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More censorship of the web on the way for the UK?


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The UK's major internet service providers (ISPs) are to introduce new measures to tackle online extremism, Downing Street has said.


The ISPs had "committed" to strengthening their filters and adding a "public reporting button" to flag terrorism-related material.


But the ISPs told the BBC that no specific agreement had been made.


Campaigners called for transparency over what would be blocked.



A public reporting button for terrorist-related material. Fucking hell, lol.

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Haven't they just passed a law so they can hold anyone passports based on a 'terrorist' threat? It's bullshit. Bye bye liberties.

Also, I think censoring the internet is only going to push people nearer to use the deepweb/TOR...if you dare.

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Haven't they just passed a law so they can hold anyone passports based on a 'terrorist' threat? It's bullshit. Bye bye liberties.

They haven't implemented anything yet. They are proposing new laws where someone committing terrorist acts abroad would lose their British passport unless they agreed to co-operate with the authorities on their return, and they are also saying that if someone was planning to go out and fight for the Islamic State or some other terrorist group, their passport could be taken away from them.


It's a real problem. Here's a photo of "Jihadi John", the guy who's appeared in the ISIS beheading videos, alongside 2 of his ISIS buddies: -




What that photo also shows is 2 blokes from Cardiff and a bloke from Aberdeen. :|


I've already voiced my opinion on the Internet censorship thing - it was an obvious slippery slope from the beginning and it's only going to get worse.


As for the passport thing, I honestly don't know what the answer is. In Canada in June they took a passport away from a Jihadi who was planning to go abroad and fight alongside ISIS and in October he got in his car and drove it into 2 members of the Canadian army, killing one of them.

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Guest Symatic

Seeing as terrorism is a subjective term, wouldnt people just click the terror button when they saw a web site that reflected their own interpretation of the word?

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Yep, and there would be trolls who just report shit for the fuck of it, people reporting things because they're trying to get a particular site or person in trouble, and people reporting stuff because they find the whole idea ridiculous.


And then there's this: -


Extremists will have to get posts on Facebook and Twitter approved in advance by the police under sweeping rules planned by the Conservatives.


They will also be barred from speaking at public events if they represent a threat to "the functioning of democracy", under the new Extremist Disruption Orders.



"The functioning of democracy" is threatened by the very act of placing limits on speech. We already have laws that cover things that aren't related to protected speech, such as making a threat to kill. If an extremist is inciting violence he can already be arrested, but he may find himself unable to make any of his views heard at all without first being vetted by the police.

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I'm voting Labour, but I think the Conservatives will win.....




That image is from the Daily Shite, but the actual source is credible.


More people in this country believe that George Bush was the architect of 9/11, or that tarot cards readings are accurate, than believe Milliband is ready to be our leader.

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I can't believe Milliband is going to conspire to lose this election, which is what it will be - a loss.


I can't see the Tories getting anywhere near a majority though. The recent Labour announcements make me feel they're actually trying to come up with some positive, progressive ideas. Over the course of this parliament I've been sent hurtling to the left. Maybe I've always felt that way but I've been moved to act now.

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Guest rasteri

Guaranteed if you asked the same question about any party leader the results would come out the same...


Also, note that they censored websites for copyright infringement before censoring them for terrorism. Great priorities....

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@dopp - I hope that's the case. Lots of people have suffered under this government, including me.


Because of my illness, I claim the dreaded ESA. When I got moved on to that benefit earlier in the year, I was told that I would fill out a form, then attend a medical to be assessed. I filled out the form and sent it off, but then a few weeks later I just got a letter back saying that I wasn't getting the benefit. Because ATOS were so far behind with claims, they'd decided to forego my medical assessment. I wrote to the decision maker and asked them to look at my claim again, reiterating the reasons why I thought I qualified. A week or so later I received another later saying that they'd changed their minds and I qualified for ESA and still didn't have to go for a medical. OK, but three weeks after that, a new claim form arrived in the post. I phoned the DWP up and said "I think there's been a mistake as I've only just gone through this process", but they said that I would be reassessed every so many weeks and have to repeat this process over and over, so I had to reapply from scratch every time. Not long after that, ATOS got the boot and claims were so backed up that I haven't received another form yet, but I'm expecting one at any time.


As I'm a bit more clued up than many on the process, I posted on a forum and helped a couple of people with their claims. I found a whole bunch of people who were being reassessed every few weeks - people who would get a "yes" to their claim, then next time they claimed, even though they filled the form in exactly the same as the previous one, they would get a "no". I had one conversation where I found myself trying to convince someone that they shouldn't commit suicide because their claim was rejected. That's what this process is doing to people.


The previous sickness benefit system was a joke too, but for the opposite reason. Once people were put on the benefit, they were either never reassessed or they weren't reassessed for years. Also, the medicals themselves were super slack, so there were examples of people saying that they've got a bad back and so they can't work, then being on the benefit for years. Some layabouts clearly took advantage, but things have swung so far in the other direction now that it's putting massive amounts of pressure on thousands of sick and disabled people.

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What's even more worrying is that in June, the same poll result for Miliband was 22%, so he's dropped 9% in 5 months. Obviously, people aren't just voting for the leader of the party, but it would help if he had a bit more about him, lol.

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  • 6 months later...

I'm voting Labour, but I think the Conservatives will win.....

I can't believe Milliband is going to conspire to lose this election, which is what it will be - a loss.


I can't see the Tories getting anywhere near a majority though.




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Being serious though, I think my disillusionment with some people on the left has been pretty clear in some of my posts, and no, I'm not talking about dopp.


There's a considerable number of people on the left that are moving towards the extreme left and making no sense, especially younger folks. There's a lot of people on the left that A) don't want to hear a bad word said about Labour and B) don't want to hear a good word said about the Conservatives, which is black and white thinking. A lot of these people stay in a kind of hugbox where they condemn the Tories and their voters, so people they know who are Tories keep their gobs shut because they're being portrayed as "evil!". It leads to groupthink and that ain't good. It's why some people were shocked that the Tories won.

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Guest rasteri

To be honest, if anyone genuinely considers Labour to be left-wing they're setting themselves up for disappointment.

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