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The Division - new game from Ubisoft for PS4 and Xbox One


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  • 2 years later...

I played the beta of this for a while earlier on Xbox One. It's pretty impressive!


Graphically it looks great, so it's bound to look great on all platforms. A lot of stuff is locked off in the beta, but I really liked the mix of RPG and shooter gameplay. The cover system works well.


I still can't figure out if it's massively multiplayer or not though. When I popped open the map, it showed a few dots with "Friend" next to them and when I clicked on one, I could jump straight to where a group of friends were, which does imply that there's a lot of real players in the world at the same time.


It definitely made me more interested in buying it. The main concern I have now is how much content there is. Hopefully it's not another of those games where there's a fairly small amount of content, but they release a bunch of paid DLC that adds more missions and stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The open beta for this is now available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Compared to the closed beta it has an extra main mission to play, some extra side missions, some daily challenges, there's a bit more stuff you can unlock, and playing it unlocks bonus items in the full game, should you end up buying that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm loving this game! I've played it for over 30 hours already, haha.


It's not perfect, but there is a ton of content here, whether you want to play alone, with randoms, with friends, or in PVP multiplayer.


When playing the main PVE section of the game, which you can do with up to 4 players in co-op, the one thing that sucks is that the enemies scale to whoever is the highest level character in your squad. The other night I was level 16 and I was playing with 2 friends who were also level 16. Another friend joined and his character was level 30, the highest you can go. With him in the squad, it became pretty much unplayable. Even the basic enemies took clip after clip of bullets to take down, while they could take one of the level 16 squad members down with a bullet or two.


The PVP is fun. You enter one of 6 "dark zones". They're populated by tougher NPCs than the regular world map, plus unlike the main world map which is limited to 4 real players, there's up to 24 real players in there. You find the best gear in there, but you can't just walk out with it. You have to go to an evacuation area and fire a flare gun, which starts a 90 second countdown for a helicopter to arrive. When the chopper arrives, a rope drops down from it and you can attach your loot to it, which takes a few seconds. If you successfully manage to get your loot evacuated from the zone, it appears in your stash out in the regular world.


What makes the PVP interesting is that you often don't know if another player or group is going to attack you, because if you get killed, you lose all of your gear and another player can pick it up, which makes for some tense situations, particularly as when you call in a chopper, every player in the game is alerted to that.


Also, if you're in the dark zone and you kill another real player or do enough damage to them, you become a "rogue agent". When that happens, you're highlighted on the map for all other players to see for a certain length of time and they get an XP bonus for killing you. There are 5 levels of being rogue, so if you kill a bunch of other real players and make it to level 5, it starts an all out manhunt, where you're marked for 5 minutes and there's a large XP bonus for whoever kills you. If you manage to survive, you get the XP bonus.


Overall, I think it's a really good game. The NPCs in the main world have kinda shitty and repetitive dialogue, there is the level mismatch issue in squads that I mentioned above, and there's not a ton of mission variety, but I'm finding it a lot of fun to play both on my own and with friends.

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Alone? I thought this was online only?

You're always connected to Ubisoft's servers, but you can play the game solo. The difficulty scales to the number of players, so it's perfectly viable to play through the whole game solo, but obviously it's more fun in co-op and if you get downed, you have other players that can revive you instead of you having to respawn back at the last checkpoint.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After hitting the level cap in this, there really isn't much to do. You have 2 daily missions, but they're just 2 of 4 of the regular missions you've already done, but with a new "Challenging" difficulty level. Once I'd done them all once or twice, I kinda lost interest. Outside of that there's the Dark Zone, but there's not really a great deal to do in there either.


I've got my money's worth out of the game for sure, but I hope the new content that's coming is substantial.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This game has so many exploitable bugs and glitches, it's ridiculous.


They released a new patch that adds the first "incursion" - a super hard mission that rewards you with new high end gear if you complete it. Within an hour of it being released, there were videos on YouTube showing how to complete it without taking any damage, so you could do it over and over and get all the new high end gear risk free.


There are so many bugs/exploits still in the game that it's kinda ruining it. You can glitch inside solid buildings/walls so you can't be killed. You can double revive someone, so the next time they get downed, they instantly pop back up without anyone having to revive them. You can glitch various missions to make them easier/much shorter. You can glitch the recalibration station so that you can recalibrate your gear and it always costs the lowest price possible.


There's also some downright bad design choices. For instance, if I start a mission with random players, so it matchmakes and finds me 3 other random players to play with, as soon as we kill the boss and the high end gear drops, I can kick any/all of the randoms before they have chance to pick their rewards up. Obviously, I have not been doing that, but some people have. It's fucking shite.



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  • 3 months later...

Sadly, several months after release, this game is still buggy as shit.


In this clip, I jump off a roof to avoid being killed by a grenade, but then the game jumps to a loading screen and when it hits 100%, it's put me back on the fucking roof again, where I die, lol: -



Here I get downed for absolutely no reason. I just went from full health to downed without being hit by anything: -



And with this one, I was almost at the end of an Underground mission and the game just disconnected me from the server: -



This sort of shit happens nearly every time I play.

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  • 1 month later...

The developers have delayed the next DLC pack and are basically trying to the majority of the bugs and rebalance all of the gameplay in one big patch coming in either September or October. Good luck with that, lol. If they fuck it up, I think the game will be done, cos there's lots of big new games coming out around then.

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