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Microsoft Gives MVP Award to Adware Pusher


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"Ed Bott reports that Microsoft has given an MVP (Most Valuable Professional Award) to an individual known for peddling Adware via his Messenger Plus program, http://blogs.zdnet.com/Bott/index.php?p=153" From the article: "So how did a guy whose primary business involves installing adware become an MVP? That's what Christopher Boyd, a Microsoft Security MVP better known as Paperghost wants to know. Boyd isn't the only MVP who has a history with Patchou.


Sandi Hardmeier, a current MVP in the Internet Explorer category who specializes in the fight against malware, has written three long, angry pages about the messy adware that 'sponsors' Patchou's product."


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lol too true. i went for a pizza with the guy and was like yo sign the contract, sign the contract, sign the contract or no free pizza.





i meet many IT geeks in my game, one guy that used to work for me shagged pamela anderson though so hats off to him. another geeza sat there for 2 hours explaining the complete prince2 process i was like :(


another one explained how he thought he had prostate cancer.


sometimes i feel like a shrink and not somone in rec especially when grown men are crying about being out of work for 2 years and their wives leaving them or something.


it must be similar in the pharma business though right?

them lab coats arent exactly a hoot..

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All summer I worked nights on robots in a shitty factory, with three guys. One was a short Brazillian guy who talked to me all day about the gangs in Rio and how often he'd been shot, another was a Ukranian ex-submarine captain, the third had his sandwiches made for him by his mum.

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