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Everything posted by d00ban

  1. Well it lists a load of bug fixes in the release notes... Could mean they're fixing them from the previous version still?
  2. Nice. Looks like they've done a lot of under the hood development here... Finally 64 bit
  3. Not played this, been getting into PUGB on PC. It's mechanics are way different to what I'm used to though (CSGO)... So I just end up playing CS again, coz I'm better at it.
  4. d00ban

    Dr octagon

    Yeah I didn't like the second Deltron Album at all. I think Del took it to a more live sound using his own synths etc, as we all know from Shadow, that shit doesn't always work.
  5. Don't actually like a lot of my beat battle entries, got a few though (first one was just a choose your own sample one but still technically a beat battle ) https://soundcloud.com/forayem/kaneda-remix?in=forayem/sets/demos
  6. Voted Broma, I just dig his style! It's basically what I wish all my beats sounded like but I can't get any where near.
  7. d00ban


    Yeah to be fair he thanked me by PM too.
  8. d00ban


    Loop from STRKT - Wildfire
  9. Super cheap to make or to buy?
  10. Fair play Nintendoid, fair play. They deffo back on track since the Switch
  11. Dunno why you not got confidence, I always dig your beats bro. They're always nicely mixed and have a nice vibe to em.
  12. I've joined the PC master race so no thanks, but have fun!
  13. Did you ever try the RME? I have the same problem at the moment where I kind of require an external mixer.
  14. My bro used to love that game too. Had the GFX so they just looked like shit to get the best performance out of it and shit.
  15. Just got a new PC to use and started playing Witcher 3 - is fun to have something I can actually do when hung over again lol. Gonna try to avoid playng multiplayer games though I think, I get a bit addicted to those to much.
  16. Dibs if you decide to sell your Push 2
  17. You mean CSGO? I played a lot of that when I was in South Korea... got to Legendary Eagle. Player Unknown Battlegrounds looks like an awesome PC game, that's all I'd be playing if I had a PC right now. Yes CSGO! I played a lot before CSGO came out. Not sure which version. But played many many hours. Not sure what rank I was or anything. Dont think I played THAT much. But now that I am playing again, I am having a lot of fun. Not too concerned with my rank, but definitely dont want to be shitty. Downloaded all types of practice maps and what not. I am mostly trying to play competitive. I keep being told I should practice more. I dont always have shitty games, but the ones I do I end up being ridiculed or kicked. Still, I prefer the pacing of CSGO competitive matches.. PUBG is another one I have played. Its not as fulfilling to me right now as CSGO is. With PUBG, I will loot all this crap. then boom dead. Its kind of a lot of buildup to nothing. One reason being is, Im not good. Checking out Warframe and some other Free To Play games.. just looking for some diamonds in the rough. Maybe some titles I have missed in the past 5-10 years.. Lol yeah getting kicked isn't a good sign CSGO is the first one to even have ranks I think. I used to play 1.6 literally like 10 years ago when I was a teenager. CS has the highest skill ceiling of pretty much any game I can think of though, makes Call of Duty etc look like a joke. You pretty much have to train at it to be any good. I think the major difference in GO is the spray patterns are always the same and the pistols are much more powerful than they used to be.
  18. You mean CSGO? I played a lot of that when I was in South Korea... got to Legendary Eagle. Player Unknown Battlegrounds looks like an awesome PC game, that's all I'd be playing if I had a PC right now.
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