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Everything posted by arkei

  1. I've heard the same thing about the Ruck I've heard about Ruck being similar to online in real life haha I've made an interview with the Gunkhole crew. He was all nice and mellow that day (all of them btw).
  2. Wellll to be fair Rob was once the No1 beat juggler and arguably solo battle DJ on the planet (he lost to Q, MMM and Apollo as a team at the time) Not sure he placed second in DMC USA 1992 though. I got this on tape (didn't found any info at DMC site)
  3. Not only cocaine is a helluva drug...roids are too
  4. Rob Swift should have sticked to calling out Kalkutta instead of this drama. But to each his own...
  5. Muzzell and also Tigerstyle should get back to battling...this would be exiting
  6. Co-sign. And I too feel that the scene reached a peak and hasen't recovered since. It turned from an art into a sport, but that's just my personal subjective point of view.
  7. I dig his work as a (scratch)-Producer. He also was always very open about his process of work. I did learn a lot from his endless monologues on asis and funkshitup. His Online-Persona-Approach is not my taste. When I met him once in Bern (along with D, Boo and DJ Ace), he was all mellow and nice. I think his ultimate problem is that he's a scratch-music-Producer who feels attacked by any other form of the wiki-wiki-sound, unless it comes from him or is from the same direction (for instance he digs DJ Teeko a lot). So it's the ultimate example of comparing apples and oranges...
  8. arkei

    Home Security

    We had a "visitor" once. My Brother and I were sleeping on the first floor, when that no-live-having individual was entering our house. I don't know if a security would of helped catching that fucker. It would certainly have helped to keep him from entering, since these guys seem to do reconnaissance-work before they enter into a house. What also might help is a sticker you put on your letterbox indicating that the house is either guarded by a dog or that a security-system is installed. Having your place entered/robbed ain't something you wish to someone. It's a traumatic happening. I'll maybee will get a dog (my 15 month old babygirl is crazy for dogs it seems) and/or will invest for a security-system. But after beeing robbed already once, I don't think it will serve much. But it could help towards the trauma...
  9. Sometimes I do try to incorporate platter-off scratches. DJ Disk does a lot platter-off scratching. It gives you more feeling on your record-hand if you try it from time to time.
  10. I got a quote from D-Styles somewhere. He goes on about that everybody does copy stuff from others when practising. But developping your own style is the etiquette of a real musician. He then went on that a lot of DJs sounded like Q. That was several years ago, that he said that, but it's still a statement which is valid nowadays...
  11. Even the Ruck is featured in that DVD (Mindray-approved)
  12. Are those good? I've wanted those for a long time too. I should have bought all those records and the Teeko record back when I could but I didn't have a C1 yet. Gotta start thinking ahead. The Vestax Melody Records are nice. I mostly use them with a reverb and delay. The Teeko C1-Record is nice as well. Gizmo bought one to sell it later as I recall. Hit him up. Maybee he'll sell it...
  13. I once sold some records of my collection. I deeply regret it and since then I never sold something of my collection. My 10'000 plus vinyl records are now stored in my atomic bunker studio in which I had to move everything, when wifey moved into my house. So I got enough space to hoard them. If I wouldn't own a house I would put everything into the scratch-studio my pals and me are renting.
  14. Congrats Vekked you make us proud
  15. Co-sign. I would certainly buy that mixer. I still look for a OG-SA-8 for my collection.
  16. Haha, that's that guy in the story the man who is washing his hands tells them isn't it? Or am i remembering wrong. Good film. Yes it's that guy in the closet! The film is a true masterwork.
  17. You gotta ask Arkaie of DJworx... My DJ-Moniker is aRKei since 1992 Bitin' your style, man? And they come out here and make money, like, tryin' to hustle me man? Scooby Doo! I love you JB (and Fab5 is the dopest)
  18. It's my initials and/or it also means Roger's Kutting or RĂ¼diger Krohnwalski (a character from the "La Haine" movie)
  19. You gotta ask Arkaie of DJworx... My DJ-Moniker is aRKei since 1992
  20. He was the first US-Rapper I ever saw live. I also like a lot of his stuff (but not everything)...
  21. We are, but not Vajra. Quick story: DJ Astro was chatting with some dude on Paltalk ages ago. The guy asked Astro what he thought of Vajra's skratching, and Astro said "I'm not really feelin' his cuts, he sounds like he's trying to kill it." Immediately Astro gets a phone call from Vajra, saying he was the dude chatting with him on Paltalk. Vajra has been pissed at him ever since. Is it just me or is pretending to be someone else and then asking someone to give there opinion on ur cutting just a little bit cranky. wonder if he changes his name again to Jason statham, personally I prefer dj Jimmy cranky As for ice t I love that guy! The Ruck/Ricardo Rucier/Ruckazoid/Ricci Rucker does the same thing like Viagra. There's a thread on DV where he did it (conserved for eternity). It's sad and funny at the same time
  22. We are, but not Vajra. Quick story: DJ Astro was chatting with some dude on Paltalk ages ago. The guy asked Astro what he thought of Vajra's skratching, and Astro said "I'm not really feelin' his cuts, he sounds like he's trying to kill it." Immediately Astro gets a phone call from Vajra, saying he was the dude chatting with him on Paltalk. Vajra has been pissed at him ever since. I like it how everybody keeps calling him VAJRA (exept Ice-T who called him Viagra)
  23. I still got my OG 07. And my buddy still has the OG 05 he bought from me. Made in Japan for DJ-Gear was like Swiss Made for watches (although Rane makes quality products as well)
  24. IBC forum was dope. But doc science ruined it
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