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Everything posted by easydrop

  1. there is a switch under the plater of my turntable for "line out/ phono out" i used to set it as phono and plug the turntable to the phono in with the mixer then i tried to switch that thing to line out my turntable and plug into the line in with the mixer i found the sound is much more bass and volume up but which is the correct setting actually ? everything phono ?
  2. cool saint !! coz i am using SA3 as well i am doing the card mod right now..
  3. what is a rubber washer ? where can i get it ? can anyone pose up picture about this mod if they can !! thanks
  4. easydrop


    yeah Sigma told me while ago on how to setup the tonearm..exactly what u say man !! I am not using the extra weight thing and with 3g ..i am using str8-80 and it works pretty good now btw, before my new m447 I was using the stanton 520 cartridge too its trash..not for scratch at all coz it skip like hell m447 is the best always
  5. actually i was trying to do this the other day i cut bit of credit card and place each sides of the xfader it really reduce the noise but its not stable since the fader knock it all the time and finally it move the the end and need to fix again... p.s. i can't find any resource about this on net
  6. easydrop


    the problem of that record i have solved its a bit loose with the hole in the middle just used some tape and it works pretty good now
  7. easydrop


    yeah...just bad luck
  8. i got the scary old phone ringtone for my mobile. love it, haha
  9. i really wanna get them all man !! wish i can download from u.... i have nothing to trade man ~~~
  10. easydrop


    nah...that record is flat !! and i clean my record regularly as well what i am think is, maybe before i got the m447 i was scratching with the old cartrigde, which is actually so much damage ( by my fuckin cousin ) and i was scratchin on that particular battle record all the time..so i might fuck it up that way ~~ I guess...
  11. easydrop


    yo!! i am getting used to with my new M447 it works pretty good now..no skip at all except with one battle record, mayeb that record fuckup....would it be ?
  12. haven't even see the real look of it ~~ but its dope for sure, no needle needed, no record needed...save much money !! but i ain't got the cash for it anyway....damn
  13. yeah...i got the stanton SA3 with its original fader its really annoying when i cuttin , the noise really cover the actual music !! I am living in small apartment with my girl, man !! its so noise when i feel like do some cutting at night while she sleep DAMN
  14. :72_72: ....i always find it annoyin the fader makes a lot of clicking nose when cutting it just hit the side and create the clickin sound so much do u do anything with this ?
  15. easydrop


    appreciated u guys advise then I just leave it at 3 without the extra weight square one more question.. do u guys really so careful when placing the needle onto record everytime ?? coz i do sometimes drop it aside accidencly
  16. easydrop


    haha...just want to know u guy have same problem as me when i change record..i sometimes drop my needle to the side, do u ? damn....it damage my needle so much, isn't it ?
  17. easydrop


    oh, thanks..so quick reply !! alrite I will put the extra weight thing on later on !!! yeah..i have heard about they need time to get to the best performace..which means i need to pratice more to get them un-sharp ?! i wouldn't worry about my decks, coz i just changed to a steady one...never wobble anyway, thanks for solving my problem !!
  18. easydrop


    Finally got myself a M447 for scratchin as i set my turnatable tonearm at 3 ..without putting the extra weight thing for the M447 its skip sometimes when i scratch very fast, should i put more weight on the needle or actually what should i do ?
  19. i like this sigma "Scratching can be frustrating but only if you pile too much pressure on yourself. Just relax, practice and your skills will grow in time" i am still shit at scratchin ..but i just can't get away with it, I normally pratice 1-2 hours for a day, i do think skills grow by time !! remember when i got my mixer away for repair..it was like hell without scratching
  20. I am sorry...i think i asked this before but i really can't find nice beats to scratch on coz when i hear file from u guys...always scratching on nice beats i mean, can anyone tell me how to find good beats anywhere ? download is there anywhere i can see what the name is and where to get much appreciated man !!!
  21. Mista file is the best one at the moment ..i think... 8 months ?? sounds real good
  22. Thank all yo I don't really like beats from skratch record they just don't sond that good to me
  23. I just wanna know how you guys get those instrumental music to scratch on ? I mean where i can find good one ? any recommend
  24. seens Saint and me are the only 2 using SA3 here I am still cutting with the original fader...hope i get the money for upgrade the P&G soon u saying the P&G fader is kind of stiffness ? I think u better lub it, coz when i go to DJ shop..the fader on the display mixer there not even able to move... anyway, is that so much better than the original fader ?? what model of P&G ?
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