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Everything posted by Frost

  1. Just watched the trailer, they just shat all over the legend. Nevermind...
  2. I want to like it, but I know it'll be shit.
  3. Shit I remember when I went to 'R House' once, down Park Street. Now THAT was an experience! I'm not on FB anymore mate, you'll have to keep me informed.
  4. £35 a month with KC mate, go for it.
  5. Fair do's mate, I'll have to keep an eye out for it. It is usually at Piper? It is a shithole to be honest!
  6. Yeah it is a bit steep. This sounds well cringeworthy: 'You will join De La Soul for sound check, then dinner, and hangout backstage at their performance for one show date. You’ll be invited on stage and introduced as a special guest and supportive fan from our Kickstarter campaign.'
  7. When was this? And what night? I thought hip hop died in Hull with the demise of Lamp.
  8. Keep the phone and get a £15 contract on 3, that's exactly what I'm doing and it feels great to not be pouring money it.
  9. My old S2 ended up taking pictures like this after two years, it was because the lense was scratched to shit. How is yours?
  10. The PC launch has gone well hasn't it? haha.
  11. Agreed. Maybe Teeko was about to blow the monitors. Who knows.
  12. I've played Human Revolution all the way through about 3 times, a brilliant game. It needs to be played on the hardest setting though. The soundtrack is also brilliant and a great storyline with great voice actors. PS I'm well down for Mankind Divided.
  13. So dope! Who was the guy poppin in the first bit?
  14. Reaching for lazers with this one, haha!
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNbDvW1TsjU
  16. Someone will have to answer the question we're all thinking...
  17. Ooooh look at me, I play a guitar. #classicdopp
  18. I've tried VLC out for a few days but can't get on with it, plus there's no thumbnails for .mkvs, the fuck? Just a big-ass traffic cone? Back to K-Lite (MPC-HC) I go. Thanks all!
  19. I've been using K-Lite for years and never really thought about using anything else. Apparently this is the best: http://lifehacker.com/5822672/the-best-video-player-for-windows although I've never heard of it before. What do you use?
  20. I've got a mix from years ago that might work, I'll try find it.
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