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Everything posted by Mista_Ed

  1. Thought id share my wii / wii u collection - been building this up over the past few years, its a brilliant system and often overlooked by hardcore gamers - largely cos of the motion controls....Some games however, execute the use of motion controls AMAZINGLY well, and i actually find this one of the most endearing things about the wii in general. the wii u was nintendos biggest flop - only 180 odd games ever made, so its also a short set to go for, if youre a completist in the sense. Ive recently found out that games like mario kart wii CAN in fact be played with wiimote AND nunchuck - so it works in exactly the same way as it would, using a traditional game pad - this is the case for most games as well, so motion controls can be avoided if u really hate them ive got most of these for just a couple of quid each - there are some super rare ones in amongst too, but mostly cheap as chips!! its grown a fair bit since ive taken these pictures actually, probably another 50 or so to add to this lot. does anyone else collect physical games here?
  2. its quite good this, was using it the other week...some good beats!
  3. just had a quick squizz through that video on the at games ones, he seemed impressed - maybe not the case on these and theyve finally done something half decent haha
  4. Fish tales -another GREAT williams table!! theres a lot of good ones though obviously. i still think Terminator 2 was my favourite of all time (not a williams table i dont think, regardless) 😄 Ive seen the table top ones, ive actually watched that video above from ETA prime before....but didnt know 'at games' also made these, until i read your post. they look great - in theory - but id personally be VERY wary of anything made by at games, knowing just how much they've fucked up sooo many systems in the past. they are the company who were responsible for putting out lots of iterations of segas products over the past 10 years or so and they've ALL been notoriously bad in terms of the emulation - TERRIBLE sound, screen tearing, and just about any problem you could think of.....and thats with fucking megadrive?! jesus - i mean, its been working just fine, emulated on PC etc for about 20 years...i dont see how they could fuck that up over and over and over - this is despite the retro gaming community giving feedback on all the issues they had. so wierd - they just didnt seem to care enough to fix the software....? there are full size emulation pinball tables which look hella sick - id love one of those!!
  5. flipper lag on a pinball game is absolutely ridiculous?! i love pinball myself - Aside from the 16 bit stuff, I've only got a Wii U in terms of games console and often play the 'Williams Pinball collection' on this. its got one of the best tables of all time, in my opinion - Funhouse. Absolutely brilliant table - id recommend you try it if you can!! Do you emulate any of the old tables, Steve? There's so many good ones id be tempted with a full size emulator if i had the space
  6. Ha cheers. Something not quite hitting right to me... Think my ears are just fatigued with it atm - ill come back to it next week an see
  7. heres something im working on with UK Rapper Jay T - not sure about the cuts section yet, this will likely change again before i finish it https://on.soundcloud.com/tmss8
  8. (ive since found this - its on STD breaks and is "kid dynomite")
  9. hey team im looking for the "dynamiiiiite" scratch sample! cant fucking find it, even though i know i have it....i was certain it was hee haw, but its not....im sure its on a thud rumble one tho. any ideas - even the original record / sample would be great!!!
  10. FUCKIN ELL!!! ....now THATS a tattoo!?!!!
  11. absolutely one of the best scratch mixers ever made....my favourite mixer OF ALL TIME. id love another one
  12. Yo yall Since I've got myself a new music pc... Ive been back at the production for the past few months after a 10 year break - basically since i closed the studio in the uk. its been absolutely brilliant to pick back up again, actually pretty life changing to be creative again in this way to be totally honest ...ive realised just how satisfying this is for me - and how important it is that i actually create again. Over a 2002 to 2012 - we created literally THOUSANDS of audio projects between 3 of us working at the studio... But the changes you naturally make, when moving from one side of the world to another, led to me putting music making on the back burner to work on another business here, which i dont regret for a second, as its really helped to set me and my partner up in this country (and even allowed us to get residency and citizenship in New Zealand eventually) - but now is the time to return to music - i have no more excuses, not to. So I'm currently 12 tracks deep and they're pretty much flying out again really easily, which is fuckin awesome. Im really happy with the material so far, and im certain theyll only get better the more i do (they already have in a short space of time) I watched a wee video from a producer recently (might have even been shared here on dv actually) who argued the toss about always putting your material out, even if youre not totally 100% on it yourself, as other people enjoy certain things which YOU might not... This really struck a chord with me, as its particularly difficult to be objective with your own material. I also read something from the late freddy Kruger / red astaire (rip) to the effect of - "if you make good music, get it out there, as theres always a listener to appreciate it... But theyre probably not found in your own neighborhood" Which begs the question - whats the best way for me to get my new material out there and into people's ears? Shit like Spotify didn't even exist before - we were all MySpace lol.... I know ppl still use soundcloud, which ive never really used much to any effect, bar uploading some stuff back in the day (i do have an account) but whats the port of call these days? Bandcamp? Spotify? I know theres digital distribution now (distrokid etc) but im Pretty in the dark as to the steps i could take that might be best to get shit moving. Im not trying to "launch a music career" especially at 43 lol - but i definitely wanna give myself the best shot at getting my shit heard. If anyone has any 'modern day advice' - id appreciate any heads up with any ideas!! Also happy to upload some shit somewhere if any one wants to preview the work too... (but dont know where to pop anything either haha) Chur
  13. Never heard it referred to as doggy style lol. Yeh, its how they've always been since the early 90s for me, tbh. I scratch right handed and kinda like cash money (with my hand on across the top of the record)... So its really the only way I can have it without knocking the needle every 2 seconds haha
  14. totally - some folk are just really fuckin talented!! haha - yeh theyre dope - youd be surprised how quickly he does them too, hes done a bazillion over the years so i guess you get less precious after that amount of time
  15. hey dude my mate jamie does some seriously amazing freehand shit - hes an OG graf writer from BITD, but mainly does pub signs in the UK these days. have a quick look man, hes seriously sick at what he does https://www.facebook.com/chalkboardartist
  16. just got around to checking this out - dope mike, nice one!! i seem to remember your billie jean juggle from a wee while ago - I'm pretty sure I saw you do this at a night at the faversham in leeds, probably 2001?
  17. Yeh, sound. That's about the same as mine or thereabouts... So mines fully operational now after i got the longer cable - definitely very useful so far and has fit the bill to solve the connectivity issues for sure.
  18. ah yeh? cool! looks even more pimped out with that screen on top 😄 theyre clearly all the rage these days haha whats that one set u back
  19. So i took the plunge and grabbed one of these - there was a sale on and i couldnt resist. Having looked at the options on the high street here for something similar (with way less features) i was looking at about 150 bucks... So for the extra 20 bucks, it seemed like a no brainer really. It feels reasonable quality in terms of build, solid enough but quite light as well That said, it works like an absolute charm - everything as advertised and PLENTY of options for connectivity. Ive not tried the dual monitor set up, cos i dont have another monitor at to try with it, but I'm sure it would work nicely too. the flashy led lights on the front are actually really cool, albeit pretty cheesey, but im ok with that 😅 (they can be turned off, but its kinda neat to see them light up to the beats coming from my speakers haha) Comes with a super high quality type c to type c connector cable... Which is only 1 meter, so im still currently 'back at square one' until i get a longer cable for it....quite annoying as there seems to be a usb cable shortage in nz at the minute so I've had to order one from overseas and could have quite easily just ordered one from the same place, at the same time... Hey ho.
  20. Yeh, im pretty certain this is kinda "new tech" - enhanced version of an extension cable, i suppose.... Ive not seen these particular ones before very recently either, I've been looking at basic ones for some time, but found a handful of these sort of aliexpress recently The beauty of these things is the multiple monitor options... I would def make use of that with cubase as you could then have the mix console on one screen, project window / editor on the other.... Would be super useful. Also the hard drive enclosure is a good plus too
  21. I'm in the market to get myself a USB hub / docking station and I'm wondering whether anyone has any recommendations? My pc is situated under my desk and isn't easy to access really, its a bit of a pain to plug things in and out - they actually seem quite expensive for what they are generally, but i think it would be useful for me personally. I've been looking at this one on AliExpress, which seems to have everything id need, including SD card reader an shit...reviews seem good, but you never know....still 180 bucks which seems quite a bit for what it is? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004316858924.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5459223cjLbodh&algo_pvid=62f5558c-1724-4334-80e5-8e79f81b610b&aem_p4p_detail=20220820201232166216946803750025693937&algo_exp_id=62f5558c-1724-4334-80e5-8e79f81b610b-0&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000028730611585"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!NZD!261.61!183.13!!!2.44!!%40210318c216610515522543211e77d5!12000028730611585!sea&curPageLogUid=61lfoQUYaDM1&ad_pvid=20220820201232166216946803750025693937_1
  22. cheers! gonna aim to get a bundle of tracks together by the end of the year its really great to have the capability back to make music again - its been such a long time...its definitely 'been missing'
  23. Yo Guys So I've finally got a new production PC set up sussed, landed with me a few weeks ago - also bought the latest version of cubase to go with it, which is super nice...so many new features and tools its a bit overwhelming, but that's part of the process I guess Its been well over 10 years since I've produced anything at all, but kinda feel like I've been able to pick up where I left off - here's something I've pretty much resolved - would appreciate any feedback https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zlLh83UH6UCIFL0mxAmrQFuT87H1pKwA/view?usp=sharing im not sure how this sounds on anything other than my monitors, so its more than likely going to need a few tweaks with the mix (that, and its not "mastered" in any way)
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