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Everything posted by pedostyle

  1. no no you know where the needle tip is (that goes in the groove) the little arm that connects it to the cartridge was bent to the side if i knew the terms itd be a lot easier to explain
  2. you guys are actually preferring those boxy razor sharp cornered nes controllers to say the more ergonomic n64? haha
  3. the other day i woke up. my tonearm was clamped down so it wasnt randomly banging around. tried putting the needle on the record it just slid around. looked at it and the arm the needles attached to (name escapes me) is all bent to fuck to the side. so i tried putting it back and it seems to have gone back so i decided to switch the needle from my other turntable. now today i wake up and its done the same damn thing. i use m447s. anyone had this happen? time to switch needles?
  4. as for the controller one, they said the first units would be made of wood correct? would the later ones be plastic like the other pdx's? im not sure i like the idea of lugging around a hundred pound deck to gigs
  5. i meant style as in stuff im interested in. sorta the stuff other people said, less mainstreamish. as for not making money unless its mainstream...horse crap. if everyone did the same shit everyone else did how would music ever progress. how did we get funk and reggae and rock? surely they weren't always around.
  6. on skratchworx they say vestax may be selling a cheaper version of the qfo, without the dynamic tonearm system crap or eq's. so its got the tonearm of the original pdx and little to no eq control, and cant really play with it outside. depending on price, anyone interested in this besides me? matt
  7. i think if youre deciding whether to keep your s tonearm or find a lead pipe and jacking a cartridge up to it, id stick with the s arm. there actually is some physics in str8 tonearms ya know
  8. i saw a movie review for this, i can understand how itd be a hit for kids and teenage girls. like an advanced tomagochi (sp?) that all the kids had in the mid-late 90s
  9. i like. good flow man. i agree with DissCuss, keep up the energy and practice
  10. is there a required mixer for the itf or is it whatever you want?
  11. arent those dstyle turntables supposed to be the ones with the pedal that can mod the pitch by +-50 or somit. looks tight, especially next to a rane.
  12. knowing technics its probably that 20 channel digital technics mixer....but think of all the possibilities, it comes in black AND silver!
  13. i was gonna say....if they had eternal faders im sure a lot more people would have em
  14. i thought the drumming was pretty good. just the bits like where he scratches the "ahh". dont get me wrong
  15. id pay you in candy bars, derive first time i saw that vajra vid i was amazed but its like....all he does is 2 click flares....hes great at em but change it up please for gods sakes!
  16. i love techs or pdx mk1. if youre heavy handed youre prolly better suited to say the str8 150s or the pdx. cant beat technic's durability tho my friend's tt200 does the same shit as the ttx you guys talk about. felt sorry for the guy
  17. whats wrong with concrete schoolyard? the song by j5?
  18. i only heard (to my knowledge) shortkut doing forward cut-type drum scratching. in that respect he's master at what he does, never skips a beat. i was lookin more for examples like nicks does on the asis website...thanks for tellin me not to buy that dvd, i was dang near close to doing it
  19. was laly on the bastad language tour? if so i just may get it no worries dee no rush
  20. maybe she wanted the variable torque motor....or grade cheese at 78 rpm + 50%
  21. posted in audio section? can't see your face....spooky, like a scratch ghost
  22. with all the money hes got why cant he get something better? especially with all the songs about him smoking weed and all that. bet he's never touched the stuff. sleeping pills are for gothic depressed girls who slit their arms to help them feel alive
  23. meh. even so, dont make it any more fun
  24. whats worse is when people try to argue that mario games for nes were better than sonic the hedgehog (for other than nostalgic reasons) but but but...hes a plumber! he gets bigger! i agree with dee. sonic is god
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