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Everything posted by Bubba

  1. IMO the C1 remains one of the biggest failed attempts at making a muscial instrument as it sounds horrendous. what you can do these days with all the seratos/NIs/ableton is 10000000x more listenable. good to see that the ruck-stories still make me laugh. ah, the good old days. hideous jacket though.
  2. funnily enough, steve you just posted two of my favourite hiphop tracks ever. when i used to make music, i did a lot of sample searching. i personally find flipping samples fun to do, but there are a shit load of producers who just "over-do it". I just think that you're right: when it's dope it's dope. basta.
  3. that's some pretty sick ambidextrous shit there mate. pretty damn sick. post a vocal track next where you do soprano and basso too.
  4. i was gonna say dopez dropped the hottest cuts of round two....then on came chmiel....this is nuts. I think I'd got for Dopez here cuz of the variation, but both are like next fucking level insane starwards startrek avatar shit. insane.
  5. fuck. this is just insane....I think mist...wait biox? Fuck....I don't know.
  6. jeez, that was quite horrendouse. i mean, i couldn't do it, but still the sounds were quite horrible. hope they're taking the piss.
  7. i still use vuze...am quite happy with it. plus it left my firefox alone, so guess that's good.
  8. Ha nowhere even near close... Jon's still the only one to get anywhere near Unkut's 2011 winning routine. I would agree. As far as a battle sets go: Craze 1999 + 2000, Unkut 2011 (sick!) and Jon1st 2013 (mind-blowing). Apparently I must've lost track during medical school haha, cuz I can't even remember sets between 2002 - 2010. Fuck, juvenile dementia I guess. But yeah, I actually agree with Vekked - your routine was very varied and very clean. Plus as mentioned (and I can't stress it enough): Bad sound quality versus audio recording is just unfair. They should standardize taht, because bad audio quality can make shit sound a lot better than it actually is. Anyways, congrats to all of you. I couldn't even put together a routine that was longer than 2mins "back in the day"...
  9. Top five would have been nice but the actual top five were all better routines than mine IMO. So I don't feel robbed or anything. I'll show you the marks from the Oz nationals if you like, then you can get your rant on all over again lol So, SO true... especially that part about making everything understandable to judges and the crowd. So true... Anyway, if it was up to me this is how I would have had it: 1st: DJ I-Dee (USA) 2nd equal: Dj Erick Jay (Brazil) 2nd equal: Vekked (Canada) 4th: Dj Datflex (Spain) 5th: DJ Irie (Netherlands) 6th: Broke (Australia) 7th: The Abbott (New Zealand) 8th: The Beat Molester (USA) 9th: DJ K-Swizz (New Zealand) 10th: DJ Notch (USA) Send over that judging list. With names and addresses too. Still think you're set should've been top 5. Watched some of the others. Your's is just better. Vekked's set was cool too. Prefer his last year set though. But no-one blew me away like Jon1st set 2013. That was simply nuts. Except you were pretty close BigL
  10. Jeez. Hexagon still looks like its specifically been made to induce epileptic fits.
  11. dl'd SDJ and it deleted all my crates and subcrates. Was emailing back and forth with the tech-help guys and managed to recover the main crates but not the subcrates. Pissed me off endlessly. Thankfully I had taken a few photos of my crates' contents, so after a few hours I had put them back together again. Overall the setup looks decent though in SDJ. Just wish they would providef the FX "for free" like NI does.
  12. I'm biased in many ways, but thought broke should've placed in the top five. Broke's routine had a lot more flow to it and a lot of style too. Haven't watched vekkeds routine but what bothers me with I-Dees is that fact that its such bad audio quality. That'll allow for mistakes to be covered up, whereas if you post a file with proper audio (i.e. like broke) everything can be analyzed properly. Dont get me wrong idee's juggles are insane etc, but they do sound a bit "rackety" with all the kitchen echo etc. Anyways, big congrats to Broke: 2x DMC NSW (state) champion, 1x DMC Australia 2nd place, 1x DMC Australia 3rd place, 6th in the world online finals. Thats one hell of an impressive track record in my opinion
  13. got back into assassin's creed. am playing revelations right now. and have one or two more newer ones to get through too. just can't be arsed to do all the extra missions. and by the way rasteri: those hexagon levels are totally nuts. I can play for maybe like 30s, then I'm always dead. how the fuck can your mind even process those breaks??
  14. Actually think this represents what a lot of DJs who have worked for a long time experience. Agree with Deft - Carl Cox is legendary. The term DJ covers so many facettes its difficult to pick one you feel comfortable. Thus I feel A-Track summarized it quite nicely - depending on where, what, how and for whom you're "working" you have to look over the fence and seek inspiration in fields you previously may have thought little of.
  15. Thanks guys. The disussion is really informative and also kind of pin-points what I thought, that one can't really put a finger on it, but there def are some stand out figures. I actually didn't know about Mantronix, but after hearing that track, I'd def say that those 808 patterns are pretty much copied all along the lines. So really learnt something there! Thanks guys! I was also thinking of UGK, and for some reason my head kept on bouncing onto the goodie mob, but after listening to their stuff again, my mind was clearly deceiving me on that front. Probably because of this track: And yes, thanks for pointing it out, I was actually thinking more of those double time hihats, drum rolls etc, and not so much of the slowed down, south style, eventhough I do have to say that I have a very special place in my heart for that type of music too and thus very much enjoyed the discussion on that too. Its interersting when thinking about distinct styles of music, that have been around for the last 15-20 years and trying to pinpoint who was actually at the forefront of pioneering it. Not too long ago - I think it was here - someone posted a video on the beginnings of Jungle in the UK, which kind of made me think of all of the names I could remember in the styles of music I've followed over the years, who really had an impact on certain production styles - and thus also defined an era of music. And wait a minute *HIJACK-ALERT* - JHouse - Didn't you use to post on the old D-styles forum or were you the dude who tried power-knapping for a week and were posting about that stuff on the old Snatchcon board?
  16. You know with 808 snares on a drum roll and hi-hats doing 16-32s? I was just listening to some old birdman stuff and actually wondered who started the "resurrection" of the 808. Discuss. Cheers, O.
  17. Thanks Arkei! Merci vil mal! So guys, I worked on this a bit more and because I needed to add a count of 8, I simply looped a bar towards the end and then changed the ending a bit. I think it works now quite well. We've danced to it like 8-10 times and it does the job. Thanks for all the input and help guys! Great job! Cheers, O. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/2z3gzx9p12dhlzq/FisslersDance_FINAL_v4.mp3
  18. Por una cabeza is an absolute classic to dance to. And nice, because the tempo allows you to take your time with the steps too. We discussed this song first, as we were intending on only dancing argentine tango, but because of all the other ballroom dancing we've been doing (and liked) we decided to do a mix of ballroom tango and argentine. By the way: I think learning argentine tango from the go is close to impossible. Its really difficult because you have to have a lot of control and an understanding for steps, positions etc. which I think - if you've never danced before - don't make any proper sense. Also argentine tango music is sometimes really tough to dance to. If you seriously have thought about trying to learn that dance, I'd recommend you do the same we did - learn how to dance (basic) first, then step up the game. Its amazing how more comfortable you also become when music comes on in a bar/club, because you know how to move better. Cheers guys will let you know how things go. O.
  19. Thx man. Was able to access and am downloading as I type. Well nice. Will try and edit myself accordingly - thanks for the idea though!!! Cheers, O.
  20. So I had a listen. I like the idea of how you used the wind or similar to build up the climax. As I have to edit the end of the song anyways a bit, I might "steel" that idea and add some FX too. Or by the way - would you have that FX as a .wav file? That I way I could add it myself in audacity and edit it accordingly (there are specifics regarding the dance steps that are too complicated to explain here). But thanks so much for taking the time doob. Really nice idea and great input. Looking forward to hearing any further ideas/comments Cheers, Oli
  21. Thanks doob. I'll have a listen. By the way clicking my way through multiupload was nuts. Just wondering why you don't use something like mediafire or dropbox? It'll take a while for me to download and then listen to (as its 50 megs), but I'll get back to you asap Thanks! Oli P.S. Bubbas wedding - Broke's already married
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