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Posts posted by sndrsklr

  1. From my experience the industry is only interested in your events when you´re big enough... and that´s the point when you actually don´t need them anymore. So basically they want you do to do all the work and then jump in to grab the spotlight. Even though it´s a tough game for both ends not a single brand seems to be interested in investing into grassroot work but instead they fight for a spot in an already overfed event where people will hardly remember any of the many sponsors (anyone who watched the live stream of this years IDA finals knows what I´m talking about).


    I´ve seen a more efficient approach with people I know who organize b-boy events and battles who don´t go begging at companies for money but rather connected with city and state officials over the many years they´ve been doing it and getting a share of fundings that are meant for cultural events. If you sell/present it right you have a good chance of getting funded by them (at least partly) but as like with anything else it won´t happen instantly and might take a few approaches/years to get there. I know it´s a different thing for b-boys and turntablists since b-boying/dancing has a way bigger market but thinking about options that are not as obvious as DJ brands will be helpful in the long run. But you need to plan way ahead since fundings are usually planned/spent at the beginning of a year already, so spontaneous events will never reach a professional level, especially when it comes to sponsoring.


    And from own experience combining events is extremely helpful. One of my sessions happened during a popular jazz festival and the turn up was amazing, we had families with kids checking it out and showing interest that would have never shown up if it was a regular scratch nerd event. Especially jazz heads are very open for this kind of stuff but obviously I´m not talking about the hardcore traditionalists that you have in any genre/craft/artform. They can go fuck a monkey on a tree if they don´t like evolution of things instead of starting drama. But that´s a different story...

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  2. I guess we can call this summer the summer of scratch :)


    First the CSBBQ x Battle Ave. festival, then just a week later the Sample Music Festival and then just another week later the Scratch Buffet at the local and annual castle festival.



    This will be our 3rd edition of our session at this festival and the ones who´ve been there before know that this is pretty big. Up to 15.000 people checking out the artists and exhibitions during the day/night in the scenery of the old Baroque Castle (the 2nd biggest of it´s kind in Europe and which is now home of the university) and we´re there to cut it up fresh!!






    I´m still working on some specials in the background but as a starter I´m happy to announce that we´ll have the man behind the 7PS as guest who will bring his little toy for us to check out and test.






    I´ll keep you posted :)



    Here´s the official trailer from 2014 again that has been posted some time ago:



  3. I´m using some tables from a company named SYNQ (from Belgium if I remember correctly), model is X-TRM 1. Basically the same as the Stanton ones just looking slighty different. Bought them used on ebay for about 350€ the pair and they´re rock solid. Had Numark TTX before but they all stopped working one after the other (4 in total) while the SYNQ still works like on day one. Would buy them any time again.

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  4. Hi folks,


    the next session is scheduled for Saturday, May 19th. We usually start around 5pm and keep going until the main floor opens up which will most likely be around 10pm.

    This time Cut Chemist will stop by and get the crowd moving in the evening. Maybe he´ll show up to the session as well...?


    We´re also planning something else in the background but more info on that as they come in.


    There will also be some merch for sale, so if you need to get some of the Cut & Paste catalogue you´ll have the chance to grab some and most likely some goodies for your portablist needs.



    I´ll keep you posted.




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  5. I think they´re TTX1´s but I´ll have to check/confirm later when I´m back home.





    One has this weird problem, it occured out of nowhere... I was practicing, stopped the platter to change the beat and came back to this:





    One starts turning with ca. 3000 rpm when you switch the power on and the other two just stopped working over time. The platter was stopping when I used low pitches so I had to increase pitch to continue until the platter eventually stopped working alltogether.

  6. I´m sitting on 4 broken TTX´s and had a website written down with detailed instructions in my phone for more than a year but never found the time and muse to start working on them. Just checked again and the instructions seem to be gone so I´d like to know if someone knows something similar? I know soldering basics and can put stuff back together after dismantling it but that´s about it, so I´d need a step by step instruction with pictures and that´s what the other site had... now it´s just two short written answers from people who have the same problem. Any help appreciated.


    All 4 have problems with the platter obviously, I´d like to get them working so I can use them for our scratch sessions instead of carrying all of my home equipment back and forth all the time.

  7. Finally after almost two years I get to reply to this thread... my communication game sucks big time.


    I started these sessions about 6 years ago, with the help of the local venue where I work as a light & sound tech we often try to combine such sessions with a related event in the evening. So far we had the pleasure of hosting DJ´s like Kid Koala, Q-Bert, D-Styles / Rock Hard Bastards and DJ Excess besides the above mentioned castle festivals and our regular sessions. Maybe I should start a seperate thread for all this...


    If you´d like to see more, I´m trying to keep the social media thingys updated.




    instagram: @scratch_buffet




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