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Everything posted by djmikec

  1. Help! I do sample-based production. Sometimes I'll make a beat, and one of the best components of the beat will be in stereo. All well and good, but then I'll post it on instagram or wherever, and that best component of the beat will end up minimized or gone altogether, because - I assume - of IG (or wherever) posting the sound only in mono. How can I combat this so that the beat gets heard the way I want it to? Thanks!
  2. Yeah this is what I use, I like both of these programs. Tried to go sample-free for a while, but I hated most of what I came up with. So, back to sampling...
  3. Sup yall! Video showing the making of a beat with these two programs. Hope it helps someone with making their own beats!
  4. Yes! That YouTube list has some stuff I wanted to include, but wasn't on Spotify. Nice!
  5. If you are on Spotify, check out a public playlist I made called CUTITUP. It's not meant to be all-inclusive, but I tried to create a cross-section of the history of recorded scratching, from GrandMixer DXT to IQ and tons of artists in between. There are songs made entirely from scratching (Invasion of the Octopus People), and songs where scratching is only on the chorus (Resurrection, DWYCK). There are songs recorded live (Live at Union Square), and a bunch of those songs they used to have on hip-hop albums where they would dedicate a track to their DJ (Lord Jazz Hit Me One Time, DJ Nabs Break). Sixty songs = 3+ hours of music on the playlist for now; I'll keep adding more and more over time. Enjoy! https://open.spotify.com/user/129475253/playlist/7LXTHoBOXbRV8BYXtKktNW?si=xOUfVy6HRkGnfiWh7cq0Ig
  6. First round of North America invitational battle was last Saturday (link below). Next round is this coming Saturday. Enjoy! https://m.facebook.com/tewharekame/
  7. Per the suggestion of some of the homies on here: Here's a thread to show my vid for the DMC online contest. It's a beat juggle of "Tell Me When To Go" by E-40. Enjoy! Feel free to vote if you're the voting type 😃 http://www.dmcdjonline.com/view/26miDxZQXo/
  8. Thanks guys. Trust me, I did my fair share of funny wordplay intros back in the day, haha. But I can't get as excited about them anymore now that all it takes is to push a button or pre-record something. I do have a thought about Buruaaa's music selection: it isn't my favorite either. But whenever I catch myself rolling my eyes at another DJ using EDM or whatever in a battle, I have to remind myself: we claim that the turntable is a musical instrument, right? And if most musical instruments - such as guitars or drums, for example - are used in all kinds of music from jazz to rock to country: should we maybe be more open to non hip-hop people participating in this shit? Just some food for thought. As for me: I'm still a DJ, not just a "turntablist." So yeah, I personally have to use music that I actually fucks with. "Choices" is my current favorite E-40 joint.
  9. Opposite of Mista Ed: I like the Superseal, and dislike the one on Sealed Breaks. Not very crisp, and if I recall it kind of runs into other samples. Gotta get that separation!
  10. 😃 Thanks Diggla! Funny, I never really cared for E-40 in his heyday; didn't consider him "real" hip-hop. But now I realize he's the shit, lol.
  11. Hi DVers, I uploaded an entry and would love to get your feedback on it. Really respect your opinions, which is why I'm a participant on these here boards. http://www.dmcdjonline.com/view/26miDxZQXo/ Some of my favorites from Round 1 include Dayvers and Nino Leal, and of course Brewhaha.
  12. Hey is this Tenshun from San Diego? What up man! I remember seeing you at battles in SD back in the day, doing stuff with the volume faders around '99 or so.
  13. If I may: my crusty old thoughts about making unique scratch sentences. Don't get me wrong: sometimes an ahhhh is all I want/need. But yeah
  14. what was yourlooper? i never saw it before it closed.
  15. Search on Facebook for a guy named Chris Kwote Williams and read the stuff he writes on the subject. Lots of good food for thought.
  16. Dope. Makes me want to produce/DJ for emcees again
  17. Glad you're diggin it! This thing was kind of expensive, but works great: http://a.co/ijtpOn5
  18. Definitely check out Rock Well's loopers! I esp like the 2nd one, with the black & white image. That one was in my rotation for a long time.
  19. Not trying to speak on Rob, nor on any newer DJs. But this discussion reminds me of that from sports such as BMX, where an older rider will see some new kid busting bigger, crazier airs and doing shit that was previously unheard of... only to dismiss it with a "yeah, but they don't ride with the same kind of style that we did." Sometimes they have a point in saying that; sometimes they don't. As with our DJing discussion: up to the individual to decide for him/herself, I guess.
  20. I'm actually gonna make clocks out of some of them. all you need is a little battery-powered clock kit and a drill =)
  21. Oh snap! I didn't know that either lol. Now we both have it =) Oh damn, now that you post that I realized it's instrumental at the end, there wasn't a full instrumental released. Thanks!
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