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Everything posted by Flexinoodle

  1. Asked Steve, he said yes, there it is. https://discord.gg/DVS4ss
  2. Are we running late entries on this or what ? I got something going yesterday, but its the first thing i have made in about 12 months that actually made me dance around a bit, so wouldn't mind putting in a gnats goolies more on it, but i can post as is if not, and finish later.
  3. Completely forgot about this, will try and grab an hour or so later on it.
  4. Depends what you want to do, you might find cheaper options for what you want.
  5. I didn't even see this, will download and have a look see if i can make something worthy of my last place
  6. I despise dub, maybe i am stranger than most, who knows.
  7. I'm not sure i even get this, we have everything because of computers, so lets limit ourselves ? Anybody who has made music solely on an Amiga knows well 4 sounds only at any given time, not so sure about 4 sounds only in a track. I doubt i would ever go back, and by modern standards i am extremely minimal.
  8. Which again is a bunch of bullshit, I was an old fart when Dubstep came out and i love it hahaha.
  9. Wait a few months, I have literally today set up the Benchmarking on the Beatmaker Discord, so soon we will have some idea how Mini 4 vs 2018 vs 10.5 pro actually pans out, rather than all this comparing toe desktop processors bullshit.
  10. Sell them all and buy a Mini 2, its small enough and is a fucking powerhouse, you can rock B3 and get rid of a ton of the app switching for editing and sample saving.
  11. This theory is complete bullshit, my favourite music currently didnt even exist when i was in my twenties.
  12. I remember spending way more time trying to get any DOS games to run vs actually playing the fuckers!
  13. Get an ipad, lie in bed and slice beats, works everytime, then again i am a lazy fucker
  14. I think it is brilliant, other than the fact that it actually adds extra computer interaction, unless you stand there spinning the record like a fuck lump everytime you want to get to a different part of the tune. It makes no sense that this doesn't come with a secondary cueing touch strip or something, so either mousey clicky more or MIDI controller with wires, yes much much easier. I still want one though lol.
  15. Depending on how well the tempo can be set, this will be a shit hot tool for guitarists and such
  16. Actually there is a limit, i doubt very much we are going to see piano modelling in a module anytime soon lol
  17. Yeah it is a sound module, there is so e sequencing on board though.
  18. SammichSID is an easy build, mine took about a couple of hours or so, the case is complete shit and the design for plugging the PCBs together is complete shit too, i need to redo that on mine. Got a brand new SammichFM kit i never bothered building, too old now, gonna sell it on i think.
  19. Modular is a complete nonsense, thats why there are so many eurorack modules on ebay, the only value it has is if you want to set up a small unit for resampling through, like the Morpheus or something because it cant be done ITB.
  20. Wait, you think the digital waveform as displayed by a technology that was created by one persons decision to “make audio waveforms look like this” has some relationship to the infinite shape forming of nature ? Aaaah has no visible shape that you can see or comprehend, it has a bunch of possible views created by another bunch of calculations that at this point in time have little at all to do with nature and possibly no basis in reality because of our near caveman like understanding of anything, what we call hi tech, not so much.
  21. Never heard of them but will have a look/listen Free/Open source/Mac/Win/Linux and companies like waves have been copying his shit for years, so now he takes the piss and copies others and makes them better lol.
  22. Just go and use the Airwindows plugins, the quality is out of this world, waves are a bunch of monkey dick ends.
  23. I wan't 2012 Mini, and i have a 2011 MBP with the higher res screen option, ive upgraded it to 16gb and switched out the BT to the 2012 BT 4 for BT MIDI and Airdrop etc lol, I might keep it and just save up for the 2012 Mini though.
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