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Mutis Mayfield

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Everything posted by Mutis Mayfield

  1. Tempo change via master channel playlist is possible. Type/rename "xxxBPM" without colons and xxx as value and when you hit the playlist clip it will jump to the new bpm. Key signature maybe is more difficult but maybe there is any maxforlive device already done for this issue/control. Not sure about follow actions issue... Do you want to playlist go one to another as usual channel follow actions? There are isotonik xl mfl patches which maybe give you some interesting tools for remixing and so. I think there is even one to record some kind of automation in session view Don't worry about your Million march, I just asked because sometimes I'm not sure about full understanding english and I prefer to ask instead to say "yes yes" or go nuts directly xD I hope it helps. Back in topic maybe it could be possible to control transport bpm tempo changes from another app in "Link" with ableton...
  2. It has any relation to Link release? Did they announce such feature or are you talking about bugfix?
  3. Add transport attach/detach like master metronome where anyone could enter/left the jam in any moment without wrecking the whole jamming all quantized.
  4. plus switch... when nothing is plugged the circuit remains as internal (even with regular crossfader if you want) When you plug the connector, it derives the signal through it disconnecting the internal circuit. In this way when you attach the external xfader it makes the switch at the same time. Ideal for circuit benders...
  5. I found an interested link to audio modular mixer. I hope it will be useful. http://custompcb.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/expandable-modular-audio-mixer-for-any.html
  6. Check the drive you have some service manuals including denon3700
  7. Yeah but you'll have to figure out the best way to do it. If it were me I would put the PCB inside the pt01 and have a cable going between it and the external fader (only need 2 wires unless you're planning on using an innofader).I bet for this:https://www.google.es/search?q=switched+plug+jack&client=safari&hl=es-es&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRvdzVreDKAhUDWBoKHXDjAjcQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=6YCOZLR4O27p8M%3A
  8. I put some resources about this in the pt01 thread but it could be possible to use satellite ccrma distro to do realtime audio in raspi. About dedicated raspi soundcard there is the Wolfen-Oluffson one which could be useful. Also there is a workaround for usb 1.0 sound cards to make it work with raspi (all in the ccrma googlegroup). About android vs iOS the thing is iOS has coreaudio and coremidi hardcoded in the system for few hardware units meanwhile android has numerous hardware (so many different audio chips) so it requires someone like Samsung dealing with their custom SO and someone like Mixvibes dealing with djing. It seems they are awaking but nothing near djplayer DVS in iOS devices. At shared google drive anyone can find the rasteri scratchbox files with another resources related.
  9. Yeah man that looks awesome, feel free to add writeups I think I wanna keep it scratch-focused just now rather than general DJ/music projects, but we can always expand. I was thinking in ttm/vmeter as perfect companion for pt01 scratch thinga! Well let it here and someone will find useful sometime (I hope) but in anyways great idea. I never started my own wiki nor blog about all this stuff...
  10. That's the way! I will love to contribute. <3 edited: I want to point 2 interesting projects someway related with turntables and digitalization. https://github.com/curiousinventor/VMeter(aka stribe) now full open sourced and useful for "needle search". https://github.com/tkrworksWhich has interesting projects like PICratchBOX.
  11. Cool! Installed and opened the files with it ))) Also updated the drive with them. Thanks once again!
  12. Hi guys! I have uploaded all the info and documents related to this thread (minus digitalization which is at Gory blog) and added to the drive. Check it! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4ftWaZ6ARSUdy1jNThKRG5hM1k @Rasteri if you have update the pcb/gerbers I will love to look at new pcb design (kicad can't open them right and I'm still wondering the possibility of using Eagle in bootcamp partition or so). Do you still have some boards to sell? I will talk with my friend to buy you 3 kits (two soldered and one non soldered to try it by myself!) Cheers!
  13. I use this for my live looping setup and I had tested it with djplayer and Ms. Pinky vinyl working like a charm. http://www.music-group.com/Categories/Behringer/Computer-Audio/Audio-Interfaces/iS202/p/P0AJQ/Features
  14. No you don't because it wasn't off Ok jokes apart. How many of you feel "digitalization" of the needle isn't related to "portable scratcher"? I ever dreamed about a wiki for this whole project (qfo digital portable turntable) but my collected resources are uploaded. I can contribute a bit more with some ways. - Helping Gory to bring all my (moreorless) knowledge about midi/hid/timecode research. - Helping Rasteri trying to etching and solder some pcbs by myself at home. It will be my first batching attempt at home and it motives me. if I success I can help him with these part. - Helping anyone is something you feel I could. it could include soldering "service" of things like ultra pitch mod or even write a step by step guide as I did for other projects in the past. What do you say?
  15. Do you have a button in the ttm that was used for this differentation in vestax compatible cdj. You could use it to activate scratch mode. It should be derived from turntable velocity in non scratch mode and obvied in scratch mode due scratching is handled pitch control of the waveform (no?) Usually in dvs timecode one channel goes backwards and the software use both signal comparation to accurate the analysis. I can uplad some technical documentation from Ms. Pinky Sdk if someone wants to take a look but I will do it this afternoon (now it is 15:06pm) or tomorrow. I'll be back! B/ Happy to read it
  16. http://justinkent.com/inventor/worlds-first-midi-turntable.html http://youtu.be/NLE3rGDposM At scratchML project some nice guys were coding a "blackbox" to do this. Do you was involved there? If not I can point some other "resources" to go faster in this route even I'm more in the ipad path... Well I'm more in "none" path but I love to bring all the help I can before I leave it at all. So... Let's go! The better distro for realtime and stompboximg https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~eberdahl/Satellite/ Some inspiration for a pure data patch (pure data included inside these distro ) https://youtu.be/sMyIu2iyBro http://atelier.tkrworks.net/controller3102?lang=en Add ttm or these nice timecode digitalizer (schmitt trigger?) if you prefer it. I hope it should useful. Ps: At drive there is a folder for ttm (including the rasteri code from scratchbox ported to arduino) and some resources about cores to develop etc. Take a look
  17. A friend find this someone doing some research into tom/djay-djplayer app and timecode digitalization in integrated chip realm. https://turntablecontrol.wordpress.com/2015/03/04/latest-developments/#comments
  18. Hi people! The upload was done days ago. Since it was done at Rasteri google drive I'm waiting him to update all of us. I supose he is a bit busy and maybe he didn't read the pm or check the uploading content... Someone has any way to contact him directly? Meanwhile... I was collecting all these resources to make my own portable controller (with scratchbox/cdx modding and iphone compatibility) but I have some other projects before and zero energy. In any way I could explain the idea when everybody can access to the drive resources. Proof of concept. http://youtu.be/G17o_HuQvo4 The hackmat blog dead time ago (as some many others) so most of the info wasn't online until now. Cheers
  19. Done. Meanwhile I'm cleaning the redundant info and any susceptible of copyright infringement too. :V
  20. Hello everyone, I found this thanks to a friend who wants a qfo, barra, frisky... Whatever! In first place let me give thanks to all of you to keep the topic alive and specially Rastieri (also Focus, Gizmo at all) thanks who I could manage to midify the cdx based in his great work with scratcherbox. In the last years I was trying to help some many projects (like Skrat.ch and scratchML) but I'm getting a bit tired about "the game" and focusing myself in live looping and other things in my life... So I have an extense library about projects recopilated over the years and I want to share it before I lost it in some "next" computer reset. It has things about diy from midi controllers to audio... And due to the open source comunity spirit of the people involved here and the respect for all the work I decided to share it but I don't know where should be the best option, gitub? Dropbox? It has some gigas... What do you say? Thanks once again.
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