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Everything posted by Fayc

  1. nice one. getting on this now. sick choice of record again.
  2. Wow, thanks guys. Didnt expect to win. All about the vinyl choice i reckon. Bring on the next one. Ive just posted up a new beat on my soundcloud using a postman sample from one your old battles. Av a look. Once again nice one guys.
  3. Yo! I went for doob because I couldn't bring myself to vote for myself hahha Nah all good. Doob killed it I reckon so voted for him. Let's get on with the next battle soon. Safe
  4. I've thought about this track before as well. I was thinking he has just pitched it and added some sort of modulation at the start of the hits but the point about side chain is a good one. the fact the hits of her voice get quicker and slower would say to meh has just spread the sample over the keyboard or pads then used the same notes for the bass etc. i try and do something similar. I'm shit at music and have used the audio to midi converter in ableton for pretty much every bass line i have ever done even though i only have a trial of ableton.
  5. get on it guys. keen to keep on with these battles. is good inspiration.
  6. thanks man. yeah I'm pretty happy with it. the samples you could use from that record did it for me. amazing choice mate.
  7. https://soundcloud.com/faycbeats/bollywood-bonanza-beat-battle-beat
  8. cool, thanks man will do. `will post my beat up in a min.
  9. Ah sweet. Well I got something coming along nice now just tying to work on the mix. I have had look at some old battles and already downloaded one of them so thanks mate really appreciated. Feel bad using it but what the hell haha. Will get my beat up soon. thanks again
  10. I'm loving this record for sampling. Even if I don't get it completely finished I will post up what I have as I'm lovin playing around with this at the min. So may possibilities. Nice one
  11. Yo Dooban just got me on to this. Will try and get some thing done in time.
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