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Posts posted by DeadMan666

  1. didnt get much sleep last night, (Exo Zombies) been at work all day, came home an so tired, put on Kut_Class proper cut tune, im cutting with my palms!! so took a short break and listen to symatics tune.........


    Three neighbour complaints later............


    Symatic that lead filtered synth is INCREDIBLE love it!!


    You guys a de bomba!


    just started petesasqwax looper booooooom!!!


    got a tex from my neighbour - come on mate were trying to watch a film with the kids!


    oh well headphones it is!! :8

    • Like 2

    OK which facking jon is jon1st? this jon or that jon??? ............


    This Jon is a Jon for sure, but I'm not sure he's THE Jon. It's hard to say, there are a lot of Jons and it gets confusing. This Jon in real life even looks a bit like THE Jon but it's so hard to be certain. With the big celebrities there are so many lookalikes and imposters, even body doubles for the really big guns (3rd world dictators, DMC Champs, that sort of thing) it's hard to ever truely know who people are. The only thing I can be certain of is that every time you a real celebrity, they are always much shorter in real life than you expected them to be... not something I could say about this Jon. Make of that what you will.




    hehehe, Hmm but he has links to jon1st's website on his DV profile, AHA we should hold an identity Parade!!

    and if hes not the jon that we think he is...........

  3. Hello there, nice mixes. I listened to the first one yesterday on my laptop at medium volume while preparing a tarte. Probably not what you thought of people doing while they listen to the mix but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

    To add some ruffness to my deeds, I got some chili and garlic in my eye while I was bopping my way across the kitchen. Rinse it out proper!

    Hope you're glad.


    Also like the scratching - you seem to strive for musicality and consistency, so nothing newb about the files!


    Thanks man, and chilli in the eye is bad enough but ad a piece of garlic, Wowsers!!


  4. Thanks symatic,


    I checked out Ericuk he is a beast, (i need to practice a lot more), ill check them shops as well,


    but guess what, i had a look around this Digital Vertigo, Theres like loads of different rooms, and like, you can just go and say stuff in any of them.... shhhh dont tell anyone.


    on a scratch heavy sesh tonite, I bought some cod liver oil, and some ibuprofen, for Joints and muscles. :8


    also in one of those other rooms (I might write something tomorrow) I saw you had a new scratch record out, is there a place in "brizzle" where i can go pick one up, like tomorrow? or is it an online kinda thing?


    IDA UK - maybe rather then it be a person it could be like a group of people/scratch beasts like a UK scratch association, that deals with all UK Ireland's entrants to all online Dj Comps?


    Be well


  5. Symatic your big,

    i didnt know ida was regionals then worlds, i thought every one just sends in their videos, newb. your like one of the best scratchers in the uk! thats wicked!


    are you guys gonna enter in to this years ida? when does it start?


    you should!

    who's george?


    also does anyone know where a copy of Cadence with rhythm and flow might be found?

    all scratch science and all cut records which i'm after seem to be sold out! arrrghhh



  6. Thanks guys, IF you Know of any other scratch gatherings happening, please let me know and if you guys are arranging them, id be happy to help, i can drive and everything. :8


    oh and a little fan moment symatic, dubba dutch, are you the symatic from IDA 2013 and dubba dutch From IDA 2014?


    if so....


    you killed it!



  7. Hi, devastated i missed your super scratch weekend, ive only been cutting a year and a bit, i found some of your videos on utube and you guys are sick!

    can i ask when you doing more sss and can you let me know please. i a UKanian and reside in bristol at them momento! happy scratchings!


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