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Everything posted by denio

  1. phuuuu...those cars look fantastic
  2. my problem is i cant utilize twiddles in a purposeful way.... i never saw them as a important cut but im quite impressed with your cuts dee and you say u use the mall the time maybe im gonna practice them a bit more
  3. do you twiddle i NEVER do it i dont see much purpose in doing them a friend of mine does twiddles tap style...means he doesnt slide his 2 fingers over the fader like you do with a crab but actually clicks once with his fingers..he can do them so fast....it sounds real crazy...isnt that the turbo skratch btw....but theres no real purpose doing them while cutting tell me do you twiddle
  4. denio


    is tigerstyle really impressive....or is he impressive for a battle dj i cant stand cuts by battle djs..they hurt my ears i have that one clip of him where he cuts that radiohead sample and the does some ahh cuts pretty cool but not that impressive i hate battles!!!!!!
  5. yo deeswift....would it be possible to up one of the tttvs probably tttv3...i heard its the best in terms of cutting i would really like to see it ( does flare cut on vol.3???) i would REALLY appreciate this!!! jus asking though peace
  6. fuitas are easy just twiddle but instead of clickign once with every finger you do it twice when youre good at tit you can almost double the speed on your 2 clicks
  7. i practiced those kinda tears i think i can do them now quite a bit they are like 4 backward tears done in one burst kinda ..so really fast...really watery sound whateva good night
  8. ouch......but when i think about it.....
  9. wtf is a flare..some new sxcratch technique or what?
  10. whats on the record ???
  11. i jus tbought 5 superseals....nah just joking i recently bought some nice records for sampling egberto gismonti and stuff also bought an old school hiphop tune from the hurby machine i dont buy records to listen much i only buy records to sample
  12. denio


    isnt yoga cutting on a turntable tv episode anybody saw it and has he got actual scratching skills??? or is he just a moark
  13. ahh im surprised youse a lefty scratcher dee always pictured you as a right hand scratcher whateva
  14. nas flow on illmatic is bangin finest street poetry
  15. nas illmatic for example probably my favourite hiphop album
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