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Everything posted by jeljms

  1. I always loved the groove at the start of Too High. Someone in hip hop must have sampled this at some point but I don't know who.
  2. I agree with pretty much everything he said.
  3. Blimey, that's a blast from the past. I remember back around that time that James Lavelle did a dj mix for Cream and on the sleeve it said something like 'scratched and mixed by the Psychonauts'. I thought 'so what did James Lavelle actually do'? I still don't know.
  4. 'I ain't no joke' to scratch that line over the top of the JBs?
  5. My sentiments entirely! I love being 40 as I don't have to care anymore about such things.
  6. If you have no need for DVS it's a solid choice, I reckon. You can always add an SL box later as it has extra inputs and outputs for one. Interested to know how you get on with it. My main reservation was build quality but hopefully it's solid for what you need it for.
  7. DIF 2s has DVS inputs so if you want to use an SL or Traktor box with it, you can plug them straight in without having to switch out your turntables. It also has line fader curve and reverse.
  8. What's the piece of DJ/Production equipment you'd like to own just because it looks good, rather than for what it does?
  9. That's weird that they referenced P&G. I know the Rane Empaths had P&Gs in them so maybe it was like you said - an unused idea and they just decided to create their own fader for the 56. In which case it was a good call!
  10. Wonder why they didn't design it the other way round so the width was shorter than the depth (like a PMC 06). It is still only 15cm wide but they would have shaved an extra 4cm off the width if they'd done that. Something like this: https://www.juno.co.uk/products/gemini-mm1-2-channel-compact-dj-mixer/568310-01/?currency=GBP&flt=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAlfnUBRBQEiwAWpPA6Z7N4BHq-UztJRYbYYWhxHQ4JFIY9D2vwMoiOMXt48SV9jG87es9axoCCBAQAvD_BwE
  11. I think the 64-bit upgrade should allow more file storage and better use of the laptop's power so hopefully it will resolve this. But I'm waiting till they've ironed out any teething problems and will probably update/upgrade at 2.0.1 or 2. No matter how much beta testing they do they'll still be some issues with this new release so I'm not in that much of a hurry.
  12. Cool, PM me Flexi and we can sort out the details.
  13. Not yellow. By far the best part of it to be honest. Posted a pic so you can be sure:https://imgur.com/gallery/z4kse
  14. Yeah,he's saying 'Hey everybody, d'ya wanna see how fucked this Handytrax is? Well, alright!' (sorry, watched too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my son). Yep, thought so...
  15. So I just pick up a Vestax Handytrax off ebay. The good news - it was under £20. The bad news - it was sold as spares and repairs. Apparently, the previous owner had left some batteries in and they leaked. My hopes weren't high but now I've opened it up and surveyed the damage, to my non-technical eyes it looks irretrievably fucked. Can anyone shine any small glimmer of hope that I wouldn't have to replace every single electrical component inside? https://imgur.com/gallery/ig5rT
  16. There's not much point updating even once it's fully tested and stable, from a serato DJ perspective at least.
  17. How about a list of rap groups with at least one member that nobody can work out what they actually did? Example: Jarobi from ATCQ.
  18. If it was groups with two MCs in them, it would make more sense. Then you could add all the above plus Dilated Peoples and the like. Not sure how you'd categorise Public Enemy in that though. They're obviously a group rather than a rap duo, even if they only have two MCs - or is it one MC and a hypeman? Or is it just bollocks?
  19. I look at this way. If an MPC2000/SP 1200, etc. required a computer to work, nobody would be using them anymore because they'd be reliant on an antiquated computer's operating system, etc to run their samplers. For the most part the samplers are still working fine, but if reliant on a computer, most of the computers from that age are toast. Also, at some point the software stops getting supported and your new computer won't run the old stuff. So, you end up having to ditch a perfectly good piece of hardware because nobody could be bothered to support it on the computer side anymore. The laptop component also causes a lot problems because it throws a variable into the system. Go on the Serato forums and see how many people complain about shit not working because they updated something or another. Its super-hard to figure out what the problem is because it could pretty much be anything with the laptop. The nice thing about stand-alone, dedicated hardware is that it tends to work correctly out of the box and as long as you have the gear (and it doesn't break), you're going to be able to use it. My perspective on this is kind of skewed because I like vintage gear and I tend to like working with hardware over software. 100% agree with that. It has always seemed a false economy to have to get a laptop and then rely on that for your gear to work. A standalone piece of hardware may not always have the flexibility/features of software but it has stability and reliability and will work long after the next new thing has come and gone.
  20. Presumably you can use it with any Serato enabled device with an audio interface, including controllers?
  21. It looks fundamentally like a full size v7, which is no bad thing at all. The only real difference is reputation - Rane may have the credibility to get some traction in the market that Numark didn't.
  22. This is great fun - been dropping bits of Clean Up Woman over Billy Squier's Big Beat when I should have been entertaining the kids on holiday!
  23. Where's the image from? Couldn't find it!
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