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Everything posted by dissonance

  1. I could listen to Hentsix and Giant's "Circadian Rhythms" all the way through......
  2. didja toss an LED light in there instead?
  3. there's only four of us from the States on here? I figured more would have gotten in on this.....or, maybe there aren't that many of us on here.....
  4. 1. Self-titled - Rage Against the Machine 2. Ænima - Tool 3. Abigail - King Diamond
  5. apparently there's a new one coming out soon. Cut Chemist just mentioned getting to fuck around with it at Roland.
  6. looking forward to checking this out, brother!!! Love me some Meat Beat!!!! The Dub releases he's dropped are really tight!
  7. the monkey makes all of his great Loop Pedal joints on the RC-50..... that last joint you hear is done with the RC-50, as you can see.....
  8. done deal. sold that fucking "Poly" record for 40.00.... only played that piece of shit once.
  9. okay...so, I'm almost ready to go. We did a Western Union money transfer. My Credit Union advised against a direct wire transfer. another question: This Customs declaration form I have to fill out.... how should I go about labeling this? Am I going to get taxed on sending this? Should I be 100% honest about the value of the record? again, like I said....I'm new to this and woefully ignorant.
  10. yeah man... WWII never gets a real and honest treatment in the United States. "To the victors goes the spoils....", which means history as well. No mention of Prescott Bush's involvement. No mention of Henry Ford's involvement. No mention of Admiral Yamamoto's intercepted communications that tipped off folks at Pearl Harbor that the Japanese were coming. No substantative discussion about what should be considered the terrorist attacks of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or the 67 Japanese cities bombed prior to the use of nukes. good info: http://www.ditext.com/japan/napalm.html
  11. I'm an anti-federalist through and through..... smaller government, FTW!
  12. I don't associate the "stars and bars", or Confederate imagery, with racism.... I associate it with state's rights issues. I understand that/how some folks do make this association....but, I believe the issue to be much more complex than this.
  13. would you folks trust a bank transfer from someone from Discogs? I'm not even sure how this shit works....I guess I can just speak to my credit union and see what they say.... thanks again for the help!
  14. There's a fella that wants to buy that Poly record from me. you know...the wicked cool one with the glasses? shipping seems retardedly expensive... I looked around on the USPS site, put in some figures for the weight...I figured around 13oz... it totaled something close to 75.00 US. WTF??? The guy I'm corresponding with guesstimated between 10 & 15. Should I abandon USPS and try FedEx, DHL....um....dunno? Second question.... I don't have paypal anymore.... what are some options to get that loot from there to here? He suggested a bank transfer, but that shit sounds fishy to me. He wanted my account number....nope. Can dude write a check? He says he's from Switzerland. I've never done any business across the Atlantic, so I'm horribly and embarrassingly ignorant of all of this..... thanks in advance for the help!
  15. I've got about three loops I know are good for a new Dissonance looper....looking for more. are any of these worth a shit?
  16. these are all kind of stagnant/dead-end beats that have been sitting around for a while. Yoshi helped me realize that some of these might still be worthwhile to someone....so here's a couple for ya.... lemme know what'chall think. http://soundcloud.com/dirty-dick-cheney/dissonance-forged-reserve http://soundcloud.com/dirty-dick-cheney/dissonance-trading-places and.... http://soundcloud.com/dirty-dick-cheney/dissonance-crunch
  17. Not much footage coz I didn't film much. I only had those three scenes! Not much footage coz I didn't film much. I only had those three scenes! I figured most of it wound up on the digital equivalent of the cutting room floor.... we don't really scratch all that well. got beats coming, btw....
  18. thanks brother! I'll cook up a sequence of that beat....I think I was playing stems live on my APC during that middle part.
  19. hey...how about that!!! Some OKAY footage. Notice: not much footage of me on the cut. although, I will take credit for the button pushing on the second beat when Mark and Yoshi were cutting it up. I forgot about that beat....anyone want it?
  20. well, there's this..... http://www.in5d.com/over-100-nypd-officers-refuse-to-work-in-support-of-occupy-wall-street.html
  21. fair enough....its not like the link isn't in the article..... thoughts?
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