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Everything posted by dissonance

  1. "The relevant copyright rulings weren't in place until the early '90s, and License to Ill and Paul's Boutique were released in 1986 and 1989, respectively" They're talking about laws that already existed being applied in a new way or to a previously unexisting technology/methodology. So what this record company is banking on is; that the ruling in the Biz Markie case, and the precedent it creates in case law, can be used as substantiation for their arguments. If that line of argumentation is permitted by the judge....the Beasties might be coughing up a gang of loot. Ex Post Facto laws are unconstitutional. Article 1, section 9, clause 3 prohibits the central government from doing so. Article 1, section 10, clause 1 prohibits the state governments from doing so.
  2. Have you seen the movie version of that? I have it on VHS somewhere. what the fuck? How'd I miss that? Does Everlast play the racist cop? Is Kool Keith in it too? I'd love to see him reference "butt pockets" for real. Yeah man, Everlast is the racist cop. From what I remember Kool Keith is dressed up like a doctor, but with machine guns and stuff on racks behind him. He's using one of those old style radio mics and a lot of the time when he's rapping, his mouth is completely covered. I remember reading somewhere that it's because he kept forgetting the lyrics, so they gave him that mic as a way around it, lol. Big Daddy Kane is in it dressed as a pimp (i.e. his everyday attire, haha) and De La Soul are definitely in it too. DOPE! I'm exicted to see this. I'm still not sure how I missed this. I was a huge fan of this shit when it came out.
  3. Have you seen the movie version of that? I have it on VHS somewhere. what the fuck? How'd I miss that? Does Everlast play the racist cop? Is Kool Keith in it too? I'd love to see him reference "butt pockets" for real.
  4. I second Prince Paul's "A Prince Among Thieves".... fucking GREAT album!
  5. Yeah, I've been pretty busy with a new gig. I haven't been writing much on the blog, haven't been making much music...and clearly, as evident from my fat ass, I haven't been out exercising either....
  6. Nobodi the Vinylist put this together, btw....
  7. http://thoughtcontrol.us/same-as-it-ever-was/2012/02/skratch-connection-volume-two-featuring-scratch-scene-heavyweights/ Free download....Enjoy!
  8. I'm scratching to this one whether it wins or not!
  9. again...thanks for the kind words, Vekked! I don't consider myself to be much on the solo....so, this made me pretty happy. I was just trying to keep some funky swing in there..... KutClass: I'm still planning on spitting a little something to this, btw. ps. had it been any louder...you would have noticed the slop.
  10. I wish I had better sound, too! Hopefully soon....just need to buy a couple gigs of memory and I'm good to multi-track again!!! thanks for the kind words, btw.
  11. http://thoughtcontrol.us/media/misc/ChristmasLooper4.exe here's a better link for faster download..... when someone gets the .swf version up... lemme know. I'll host that as well!
  12. word...I told him to sign up.....
  13. yeah, why not. is it spidey or turkey? neither...."That Kid Named Cee".......
  14. are you accepting submissions from outside of the board community?
  15. "maybe if you put it on 45, so I can dance to it....."
  16. yeah, this is a site managed by DJ Foodstamp.... pretty cool site.
  17. some of this shit is pretty cool..... http://www.cracked.c...user4=flashback for instance.... http://www.youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DrLOwhigl1bU&start1=&video2=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DG-0rLI6-skQ&start2=&authorName=Whiteagle A third song is supposed to be appended to the end of the shorter of the two.... then you just play the "two" tracks over one another.... pretty awesome.
  18. yep...cool lil mini documentary!
  19. ohhh! I didn't notice the needle on the record.... you're heavy handed...and I'm super observant!
  20. when you were hitting the stop/start button....were you getting feed back through the mixer? I thought I saw the meters jump.....
  21. I can arrange for that....I was thinking I might drop a little funk over this beat....
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