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DJ Rock Well

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Everything posted by DJ Rock Well

  1. Cutdisco - IDA in Poland arent really the problem. Personally Im impressed with the scale of event they pull off. The problem is that their national representatives are a complete lottery and the UK&Irekand rep is useless and has been failing year after year. Its always last minute, disorganised, winners dont get prizes, etc. Hes all but killed it with his apathy and when he noticed it wasnt what it could be he blamed everyone else. This thread is worth a read on that front... http://www.digitalvertigo.co.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=36926&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  2. When some some fools in a pub (SSS) can buy their battle champ a plane ticket to the world finals but IDA UK & Ireland cant...
  3. I think we'll have to mate. So far it's just Moschops battling himself... if anyone could pull that off, it's most certainly him... but more realistically I thing it's time for the classic DV beat battle extension of any extra week. Would that help anyone? Maybe get a few more entries?
  4. Flexi's right, although I fear he's focussing too much on the ring tailed variety. Sure, they're the 'Hollywood lemurs' and first type everyone thinks of. But all that advertising work they've been doing lately adds up and I feel you pay a premium these days for going with what's fashionable. Personally, I'd look to one of the lesser known varieties and I think you'll find them surprisingly reasonable and more than up to the task.
  5. I think we've all had enough of lemurs and their endless adrenaline junkie show boating
  6. Nah, I'm pro-fossa so I can't get down with any lemur business.
  7. Not saying we're to blame, but next month's battle with the soundtrack to Attenborough's 'Blue Planet' has now been cancelled
  8. As ever, stupid list. No need to expand on that. Anything that has Kanye Kardashian on it five times...
  9. Great to finally meet you Mike! And props for making all the people who couldnt make it from an hour away look puny and weak with your epic journey from LA
  10. Sorry it's been a while. I recorded a different record a couple of weeks ago, but I scratched it in the process and now need to find another one. In the meantime, I got this recently and it's worth a crack. It's old KPM music library stuff that was used in the 60s Spiderman TV series. But issued without paying Marvel to brand it as such. BTW the variations of track volumes are just how it is on the record. Not sure why, but it's not the greatest pressing. The wavs https://www.dropbox.com/s/zeb8212cpqvqlgf/spider%20jazz%20Samples.zip?dl=0 As usual, the only rule is that you have to sample at least one sound from the audio files provided above. You can add any other sounds, samples, instruments, cuts, vocals, etc. The final result can be any style, medium or genre you like. Post up your entries in the comments of this thread. Deadline for entries will be the end of Monday, 19th November.
  11. How do you know that Gary will be drunk and excited, Mystic Phil?!
  12. Glad to hear you've got your mojo back Dan! Never underestimate the value of sticking to what works for you.
  13. What I would say is that if you were hungover, trying to set up an open turntables jam with all the wrong equipment and no help from anyone and the little gimp from Phase is clambering all over you, trying to set up Phase in a scenario where almost nobody is even gonna use DVS and theres nobodys even managed to get any sound the speakers yet, this could change your tolerance game... from quite forgiving to surprisingly grouchy.
  14. First women, now people with disabilities. Is no boring, elitist sausage fest sacred?!?!
  15. Cheers guys! The back story to these is that they sort of existed already as beats I made with Maschine stock sounds just to learn a bit about composing basslines and chords through imitation, but the squeaky clean NI instruments sounded really gash. So I repurposed some of the midi patterns to control the synth and record new sounds and they instantly sounded better. How a piano sounded better when I made it from a cheap synth rather than a multisampled actual instrument is still baffling me! Doob - yes, sampling is all I really know so it's felt very uphill. Actually the best things I've made so far (not these) have been from having sessions of just recording a bunch of shorter samples that are in key and time and then just making beats as I normally do. Sy - I agree completely, both could do with a bit more and if I had the inclination to continue with these I'd start with what you said. The double time thing was interesting because as I made that beat I could hear a bit of a double time vibe, particularly when the bit I know as the 'one note organ solo' comes in (1:38ish). I know what you mean with the NT break on NYSOM, this is equally obvious source material too - the Kashere Stage Band break. And I will get my tape recorder out at some point too!
  16. After posting about my recent purchases of some cool pedals and a cheap synth, then going on about how much fun I find them, I thought I'd post a couple of beats as demos. No point in just pretty pictures when they're meant to make noise. I'm just learning this stuff TBH. Plus these were just beats I made whilst trying to figure out these new toys, make em in the moment and move on sort of thing. I've made better beats already with this setup and I'm working on a little project, but that's not done yet. But for now, I thought some of you might like to hear a couple of possibilities of what these things sound like... with no musical talent, a very rudimentary knowledge of synthesis and piss poor playing skills admittedly. Both beats feature notes and chords learnt off Youtube videos The Yamaha Reface CS synth is just a really cheap VA job. It's just good old subtractive synthesis and you can't save the presets, so you have to learn how it works. Like a lot of budget DSP synths, it only makes about 80-90% of the sound you want. But the pedals make up for some of that and it's still got a bit of character to it. Drums on both tracks were off vinyl, processed in the box. So were any incidental percussion or vocal sounds. But everything else comes from the synth and pedals. I've used a little bit of processing on the overall beats and some mild EQing, but these are both mostly just the sound of the hardware. Well, the hardware reduced to low kpbs by Soundcloud's player at least - I've enabled downloads in case anybody is nerdy enough to wanna hear the wavs. They do sound better. This one was just messing around with the Assault On Precinct theme (well, sort of) and being mega 80s for the hell of it. It's the same setup as the picture - CS, Minifooger drive and filter, El Capistan tape delay and Polara reverb. Different samples were obviously made with quite a variety of settings on the pedals. And then a less predictable example of a synth made beat. There's this dubby beat. All I used for this was the synth with the tape delay and this Presonus preamp I got on ebay for £30 and added a whole £17 worth of upgraded tube to. I could've really used the MF Drive and the Polara particularly, but I didn't own them at the time! Trying to make organ, piano and bass guitar sounds with subtractive synthesis is 100% a fool's errand, but it's amazing how a good tape delay and a mild bit of saturation covers up what starts off like a Casio keyboard preset from the 80s. I was going to dub these to cassette for full hipster flavour, but I didn't have the right cable so I might add them later to this thread.
  17. Your superfluous scratch mixer purchases are as close as Im ever likely to get to having a favourite soap opera. Dont ever stop!
  18. Thanks Justin! I've passed on your kind words to Goose and this was his response...
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