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Everything posted by MadAbbott

  1. Fucks sake gonna miss them all...
  2. Don't get very excited about games anymore but desperately searching for one of these since seeing the games list!
  3. great topic Eric! I got my first belt drives around '95, got £1000 inheritance money and without a moment's hesitation picked up 2x technics and the technics mixer around '98, so that's prob when I started messing with scratching, backspinning etc. It's funny how just with people saying "oh you can't scratch on belt drives" you just don't bother trying, there's probably loads of hand control I could've learnt in hindsight. Weirdly i always defined (subconsciously, never really analysed it I guess) "good at scratching" as what techniques someone did. Kind of like, "fuck that's hard to do, they must be great"...So I always thought just adding techniques was the way to go. Bar difficult record hand movements /nice combos I was pretty happy I could emulate most tricky techniques and therefore "mastered" some scratches to some extent. But couldn't bear to listen to my own cuts, so pretty quickly realised something was up! Now my focus is solely on avoiding repetition, hand control and recording myself a lot to see if I can just about get through listening/watching my cuts! The funny thing though with all that focus on techniques, it only takes watching someone who's mastered joe cooley's, chirps, or tears with their strong hand for example to re-evaluate your cuts and make you realise it's erm, not what you have, but what you do with it!
  4. Jon knew! http://www.youredm.com/2017/06/30/edm-exclusive-uz-unmasked-interview/
  5. not sure about the blingy 45 adapter tho!
  6. yeah I'd like a start/stop button but if you install those you can't play 12's (and possibly 10"s?) apparently as they're too high.
  7. On the handful of occasions I've taken mine out of the house I've used my one of these. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Carhartt-Kickflip-backpack-bag-in-Black-or-Brown-RRP-64-99-BNWT-/361870110911?var=&hash=item544123b0bf:m:mwnpI7tYwOqZ5AIuuI5RSvg The bag is tough as nails and has lasted me a good two years using it almost every day for work.It's a fairly tight squeeze on the side to do it up as the PT01 is a bit wide but works fine for me. It's not really padded but you can fit 12"s in there too. Not gonna lie I was a bit envious of the guys walking around all this past weekend with a nicely-padded Magma bag once my shoulders were feeling the strain but I'm not going to spend a £100+ more on that though so this is ideal for me now..
  8. Love the layout and feel of the pads of the S9 since switching from a 62, I'm sure there are many who prefer the layout and workflow of the Rane but I wouldn't want to go back now. I did prefer the way you loop on the 62 but that's probably more down to which one you started with and got most used to.
  9. I had one of those and messaged JD himself about the popping, he said - "when everything is plugged in and running and it starts popping simply unplug the audio coming out of the turntable then plug it back in. Popping stops" Hope it helps, it worked for mine. ahh just came across this which pretty much says the same. http://www.zendell.uk/LINKS/JDDX2R_Fixes.pdf
  10. Don't wanna be a killjoy here but I'd definitely recommend doing some kind of stretches before really experimenting with this stuff...It's probably my weak ass skinny wrists but I really damaged mine by overdoing it trying to get the Deska whip tear sound thing he does so well....Still to this day I have to be careful about overdoing it/stretch first and that was years ago. Vet don't want to de-rail the thread but those flexibility exercises could really help me as I haven't really been able to get any help from various doctors etc. Would you mind posting a few you recommend sometime or a link to them, perhaps in another thread?
  11. I played out & listened to music from his first two albums A LOT, but very little interested me after that, bar "I gotta Rokk" which I liked.
  12. Worth a read... https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/may/24/dj-shadow-music-has-never-been-worth-less-and-yet-sampling-has-never-been-more-risky?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
  13. Yeah I remember the fallout when he first started posting vids, people saying the dad/parents were pushing him too much. Seems to be enjoying it still and that's all that matters.
  14. This kid has really improved, I was not expecting this! I imagine the chasers he's doing with the cue points isn't new, but I'd not seen anyone doing it before so was pretty impressed, he must be what, 14? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kSGtx7BSxA
  15. someone was moaning at work today saying "too complex, just too complex" hahaha then I couldn't get "the engine to my comprehension is just too complex" out of my head!!
  16. I should be able to come along w/ my portable (plus working batteries this time!), just let me know which day everyone decides on!
  17. Incredible day, major props to Cut n Paste for putting on such an event for us scratch fiends, Matt and Paul for lugging everything but the kitchen sink from their studio and all the performers who absolutely rocked the place, it was heaving by the end!
  18. Wow thanks Andy, now I feel prepared when the inevitable day comes....
  19. I thought your cuts were sounding seriously fresh at Rye despite a 2 year hiatus!
  20. interesting podcast with Excess here if anyone's interested - http://www.attheaverecords.com/2017/04/07/ata-radio-s2-ep8/
  21. I followed Red Jacket's page for a while and as you say broke it was some pretty commercial music that I really wasn't feeling. Troubl went into some dubstep production after battling I think
  22. Hopefully gonna make this, thanks for putting it on Tom! Do you know if there'll be copies of Excess's Killable Syllables for sale?
  23. yeah, really nice tips Vet, thanks for sharing!
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