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Everything posted by ericuk

  1. Yeah that sound kool, I've got a room where I can set up 4 decks and 4 mixers. If a few of you guys are local and hook up on the regs, it might be more practical for me to swing by your ends, but my offer always stands too
  2. Yeah that sound kool, I've got a room where I can set up 4 decks and 4 mixers. If a few of you guys are local and hook up on the regs, it might be more practical for me to swing by your ends, but my offer always stands too
  3. Yeah let's see some wanksock action :-) I would be up for a small jam at my work if anyone local to Luton fancies it sometime?
  4. Got any scratch vids on YouTube? I'll have to peep your 3 clicks and wank sock style
  5. Please tell me what the wank sock scratch is? Will I need to get mine out the draw?
  6. "Baaaaaaaaaa" (badonde, b: 2010) So cambian and anyone else who has dominant hand on record:, can your weak hand keep up with 3 click flares and fast transforms with regular fader? Is there anyone that had to reverse fader in order to nail the fast shit people like muzzle do?
  7. "all the time u put into learning hamster is time u could of spent making ur regular style even tighter/better " (Cambian: 2011) It's an obvious but very true statement! If we are saying that there is no specific advantage to switching over then I'll just have to tidy my shizzle up regular! :-)
  8. I find your views interesting. I know the bottom line is that practice is the key to everything, but I always feel like I'm "missing out" when I see hamster scratchers. The cuts always seem sharper and tighter. There may not be a right or wrong answer but I'm interested in any theories about why one way is superior.... Let me give you one basic difference and see what y'all think: Regular scratching, I can crab in the usual way, producing flares with each finger movement. Or, I can close the fader and each finger opens the fader like a transform. Surely this isn't possible to do both hamster? There must be more differences like this?
  9. I dont wanna loose my spastic cuts that ive been practicing but I guess it will be a small sacrifice if it makes my simple stuff sound better... I'll Keep you posted!
  10. I saw qbert last night and it made me think about going hamster. I can naturally transform easier hamster than regular and I've heard flares are easier with hamster too. Any final thoughts before I push the fader reverse button?
  11. I was upstairs being a lazy fucker on my chair all night. I was going to come down and see who's about but it was a bit crowded for my liking (I'm an old man at heart) I thought Shiftee was kool but perhaps a little messy at times. He's a good scratcher/juggler so I'd like to have seen less 'knob twiddling' and more old fashioned skills (old man in me again) Q Bert is always amazing but like people said, the sound was a bit rubbish and he had nothing planned. "back in my day" performers used to prepare things for their paying audience! Mike L has definitely got some skills. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea per say, but I listen to Rebecca Black lol
  12. Still singing... Badly! Lol Thank the lord for pitch quantise in cubase :-)
  13. Ive just looked on youtube and there's a whole bunch of metalstep. That shits way to scary for my ass! I think I'm more of a commercial head... I could be the Chesney Hawks of Dubstep lol :-)
  14. I'll also be up in the VIP chile.... Apparently I've got onenof the best seats in the house :-) Coolio cambian, I'll store your number up and holla
  15. Not used reason in a long while but I must have a play with the latest version. This track was made in cubase. The guitars could have been better but they are just basic sounds that come with the programme. Perhaps there should be a guitar solo to really rock out to lol
  16. I'm a bit of a voyeur so I'll get my IPhone out when I actually attend! :-)
  17. Gutted I couldn't make the last one! Any vids on utube of the big day?
  18. for rizzle. sounds like an absolutely spiffing afternoon.
  19. Completely irrelevant fact, but I sampled a porno and made a scratch beat about 12 years ago. It even had slurping in the background. I need to find that shizzle and upload it :-)
  20. I would have offered you all my mp3's for that gig but BUN that dude. I DJ'd a few months back for a mate who's DJ dropped out last minute. I was too polite to take money and declined a bag of skunk (I don't smoke). I kicked myself for a little bit afterwards but at least the guy offered NAHMEEN!
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