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Posts posted by Kper

  1. guess it was a case of too much too soon, then Sega went and decided to leave the hardware market, leaving the dc alone right when slightly better machines like PS2 et al were coming out... shame really tho Sega becoming a software only company i think is the best thing they could have done... only so i could play sonic on the cube, lol...

    They still make the best arcade games imo... love dem shits...

  2. the one i was gonna mention, its name just went out of my head... :48_48:


    Its cheap, reliable and good but it's only USB not midi, really good for stuff like Reason et al but if you need MIDI then no good... and the name is Oxygen 88 i think, i know its oxygen, but 88 could be from something else.

    I've used it plenty and it works a treat, only an octave and half tho, but 8 assignable knobs and easily portable as well as runs on batteries if you need to carry it aboot...

  3. i've got one fa sale kinda if you want...

    Aint used it in 1 year or so, but should still work fine, plays burns, and i've got about 50 games with it, including some class ones... Im moving out this month, so i'll go through all my shizzle and check if it still works and let you know...

    Oh and i dont want nothing for it, maybe the postage if that's what it comes to... it also has an areal adapter so you dont need a scart to play it but i think some games dont play thru the adapter cos of the frequency thingy...

    good machine the dc just cant be fucked with the loading times no more, some games are ace tho, and it's a stong machine, ahead of its time if you think about when it came out and shit...

  4. Shit Chee i didnt realise you was dwelling in London, should give us a shout sometime and hook up for beers, chat, cuts etc... Thanks for those tracks ya sent by the way, i played the CXL one on this month's show... likes it...


    Ummm yeah so me...

    My name is Laurent

    Im not an english person... I am a french/italian person with South African heritage too just to make it that more complex to introduce myself...

    I been living in London for over 6 years...

    I work in a publishing house overseeing magazine production...

    I write as a freelance writer for Undercover Magazine, ATM magazine (dnb), ukhh.com, my own site Spin Science, and a bunch of other people who'll pay me in money, record, CD or booze... lol

    I present the new TTR shows on the webbanet...

    I scratch in my room when no one's looking...

    I spend far too much time at work posting on boards,but then no one complains so it's all good...

    And i have a pet fish...




    did i mention i was french?

  5. sup clown!


    yeah we met at the Gunk, tho me memory is a bit shady as i got propa caned that night!


    I think i figured out why it didnt work, i didnt have it enabled in my profile just done it, and seen the different options on there too like the daily digest and shit, well nice :blink:


    so yeah cheers anyway! i'll let you know if it dunna work!

  6. so um yeah like i clicky clickly the little icon saying notify me when a response be coming but it not be working... :50_50: :'( :what_smile:


    Any help vud be appreciated... im off to learn how to speaky the english language propa like... :49_49:





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