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jimmy penguin

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Posts posted by jimmy penguin

  1. been recording with my punk band for the last while and i've been playing in an improvised electronic music band with a drummer and a rapper for the last while.. so been cray busy with all that..


    so, heres the first track i've had time to do on my own in ages..

  2. eric you need a vestax man.. or 2.. lovely stuff..


    sy, some great cuts in there man.. and flowed for the whole thing.. best i've heard you do.. i listen, not watch these etries..


    mo, try to take make some pauses i the middle of sections, not just at the end of the phrase.. if you watch back you always let the sample go at the end of the phrase.. experimet with startig and stopping your phrases in differant places ad i'tll help come up with some new ideas..


    great shtuff


    backtrack ruined everyone though..

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