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Everything posted by Mike-L

  1. Yeah. Random digging finds for sampling/showing off -> record in Classics/party tracks/widely available ->CD/MP3 as is most convenient
  2. I never rip to WAV anymore since Serato added FLAC. WAV takes up way too much space.
  3. I think 320 is fine. I use FLAC when I can. Also it's worth checking the CD section in your local library.
  4. I buy/borrow second hand CDs of things I have on vinyl . Better quality than MP3 and usually way better value for money. Beatport is extortionate for wav files.
  5. There's been a catalogue of errors with my Raiden innofader. The stem got bent a little so I bent it back, which caused one stereo channel to disapear unless i wiggled it. I emailed Raiden a couple of times and heard nothing, so decided to crack it open maverick style and fix what i thought may be a dry solder joint. The upshot of which is now neither channel works. I think the PCB contacts may have come off at the solder points for one, but I'm not sure if there any other issues. I know that the circuitry in regular innofader's can get fried. Any thoughts or suggestions to help me with my #botchitjob?
  6. Hey Mike great to meet and chat at the Leeds gig, pretty sure we could of nerded out for several more hours if it wasn't for gig duties pulling me in the other direction. Yes indeed. It was a pleasure to meet you. Was good to see some of the other guys again and to meet Sy in person too. A top night all in all - a good turn out and dope ass skills from everybody involved!
  7. So I can make it as I'm not working nights. I'll will be on the cinderella steez though due to work in the morning. See you there!
  8. The adjust on the 07pro & 08 pro can be set to an exponential curve. It's sharp enough over the first 0.5 - 1cm or so to give the impression of transforming etc but is still softer than what you'd expect a cross fader to be. The fader attenuates much more gradually over the rest of the fader so you can still do fade outs. The curve control is basically : Left=exponential Center=Linear Right=On/Off and subtle grades in between those settings. Rane mixers only really give you Linear and On/Off settings - really limiting if you want add cuts into juggles or to do fade scratches with anything more elaborate than some crude stabs and babys. (05s and 06s can be set to an exponential curve too to but it has to do be done from an internal switch.)
  9. This has definitely got my attention. Other than the features that seem obvious, I have two hopes for this : An FX send/return & for Rane to finally have a decent channel fader curve setting suitable for both cutting and fading - like the Vestax mixers and the S9.
  10. Ah I have my answer for th AppStore not showing it on my phone : IPad only.
  11. How come you guys have it? I was expecting the email for early bird offer but nit received it and I can't see it on the App Store either?
  12. Come August 22nd, I will use this rationale to explain to my boss why I am not at work and then to my wife why I no longer have a job. I actually haven't been given my rota yet cause Im chaging departments in August. Should find out in a few days hopefully. Its a bugger to switch around dates in these situations .Fingers crossed. Cool. Hope so!
  13. Will try and get down to the Leeds one if im not working that night.
  14. The innofader pro2 comes with 2 different caps, they differ by about 1 or 2 mm. One is for Rane mixers, the other for pretty much everything else.
  15. Backstage at DMC 98? Hmm the timeline fits.
  16. F*ckin dope. The music is marginally more listenable in relative terms too.
  17. For upfader techniques I think it strongly depends on the mixer. A Vestax fade with more of an exponential curve is my preference. The volume drop is sharp enough to give the illusion of cutting the sound out at the top of the fader but gradual enough for you to do fades as well. The upfaer curve on the 08 is the bomb. When I tried the S9 that was pretty good too. Im not a fan of the Rane volume curves at all - you can't really get a good balance between cuts and fades like you can with other mixers.
  18. I only just checked the entries. Broma killed it. Super dope.
  19. No, a guy from MPC forums did it for me. He worked somehwere that gave him access to all the printing facilities.I seem to think it was before styleflip were doing MPCs. I looked at getting a skin from MPC stuff first but they wouldnt put the Akai logo on for copyright reasons back then. Thanks man!
  20. New track.New drums. I only re-use if I scrap the original beat.
  21. Which boss pedal? Jams tip about using recording a few bars of silence is really really useful on the RC50.
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