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Everything posted by $a!n+

  1. I cut on it and the sample seemed to drift at NAMM. :s They are suppose to fix some of the bugs. I would go to there forum or email a rep.
  2. I spit soda on my screen laughing.
  3. Love the song. Have the song. Dont know about an instrumental. Sorry charlie.
  4. Yes they are for sale! Hit me up. As soon as I get a good amount of designs done, I will put up a lil online store. Hang tight!
  5. Can you move your tables by a different machine and see if you have probelms still. You have to first figure out whether its your computer, your connections, or your hardware. Hard to fix a problem when it is hard to tell where it is at.
  6. A couple songs at a different approach. Check 'em out. http://www.myspace.com/gabrielsaintmusic
  7. LOL. "System busy We're sorry but the file you are trying to download is temporarily unavailable due to heavy usage of our system. Please try downloading your file again after waiting a few minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please wait and then click here to return to the file download page "
  8. Which one is this? I don't remember. How does it go?
  9. Technicality is all about communication with others. If your making music by yourself and you dont need to communicate your ideas to others you dont need to understand the technicalities. If you plan on working with other artists, you have to communicate with a standard language. I know this from working with bands. I can say lets make this part build up and explode then bring it back down, or I can describe it like whatever I can to get my point across about what I am trying to do...OR...I can say crescendo to decrescendo (technical terms) and everyone knows. I can say play a note that sounds like this and humm a note and let them feel around until they find it or I can say play an "A." If your working with other scratch musicians to create composistions you'll have to communicate breakdowns and verses and chorus, not to mention rudement patterns. Without standard technicality, your re-inventing the wheel everytime. I also play and create by ear when woring by myself. But when it is time to bring a song I wrote to the band to play, I have to prepar my technical mumbo jumbo so I can explain to everyone with one sheet of paper. Or we actually use a dry erase board in the jam room. But you have to communicate on a standard. PLUS...If your going for a jumbo and someone else is going for the same job and they have the technical skills that you dont...They will get the job!
  10. I have seen many multi-million dollars Hollywood films that suck bad. I have seen many indie films that cost close to nothing that were genius. Money does not dicatate integrity.
  11. but seriously, that actually happened. LOL
  12. This argument goes back to commercial art verses personal art. Commercial art is not about talent, heart, drive, or any of that, it is about popularity and money. Bottom line. Look at mainstream art, mainstream music, and most all mainstream art. Most of the time, the most talented an most genius are to ahead of thier time to be appreciated and understood by the masses. The fact that the art piece is debatable as good art is in itself why it is good commercial art. Got to have a gimmick.
  13. $a!n+


    You have it sorted?
  14. Sales taxes are a muthafugger! Then they tax my pay check too! Not to mention they raise my electric and double tax the shit out of whatever they can. I dunno. Im clueless.
  15. Yeah some people like the standard design and some like the full bleed style. So I printed it both ways.
  16. likewise but to incorporate my lankiness I got yall covered!
  17. Yeah, that is bullshit. I would have had a law suit for punching him in the face for some shit like that. He has a sefl centeredness problem doesn't he. More than arrogant, it was just disrespectful. He is very immature. It's like his mommy always told him he was the "most specialist" and now he's all grown up but believes it. I hear he has a huge painting of himself in his living room recieving the "gift of rhyme" from God! Pffftt. What is wrong with this guy? Reminds me of the bull fighter painting from Dodgeball.
  18. Head over to Skratchworx for unbiased reviews. LOL!
  19. I used to have one. If all you do is cut... you'll like it. If you do any mixing or recording or multitracking I wouldnt get it. The es andthe outs dont sound great. Because the fader is connectted to the same base as the needle there is a good bit of thud from the fader hitting the walls. You can't really hook it to serato or anything. Cant really really run it through a loop pedal very well either. I dunno. If your main objective is saving space and mobility, the QFO is cool. But...
  20. $a!n+


    There is an option to copy the sample cds to your hardrive. You can just copy it into the folder. Being that you dont have it that ont work but... I use to run into that too. I'll see what I can do. I know iExist might have it.
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