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Everything posted by $a!n+

  1. I got iExits mpk 49. It's a beast. It's heavy. The pads and semi weighted keys feel great. So do the faders. The appergio is kind of balls as you can't sync it with a external clock. It pretty much makes that part of it useless. For drumming out beats and laying down keys, it's a good all in one controller. I'd rather the mpk25 though. I hate carrying heavy shit around.
  2. I like how it fits snug by a mixer, but yeah, a midi controller is a midi controller. A trigger finger could do this.
  3. I love mine. I use it for my arpeggios and sweeps in my live sets. Quick easy and tactile.
  4. The mini KP is cool. It's works really well. None of the lights and samples, but for the price it's a good buy.
  5. My buddy iExist using the VCI and he loves it. All his turntables do is collect dust now. Poor rane mixer needs love. I've seen him bust out some really nice cuts on the VCI as well. He's rocked a few party's with it and his whole set up fits in his back pack!!! We've come a long way from all the wax and turntables we had to carry everywhere. My poor back will never be the same.
  6. I pretty much have moved over to all ableton sets. i pre-ordered my APC as well!!!! It's the most exciting thing to happen to me in a while. It reminds me of when serato came out. Reminisce...
  7. I use a macbook. I've actually never run serato on a desk top. In runs great on my old toshiba too. It's not a hog at all. It runs real smooth. I've had it for around 3 years and it has NEVER crashed! Pretty impressive.
  8. I hope someone here can help me implement some ideas. Cause this looks harder than action script.
  9. I'm on a MacBook and the instruments always cause drop-outs for me. Ugg
  10. Maybe it could be the default are to show your tunes. Instead of using Megaupload to put up a track for viewing. We use out artist page?
  11. How do we keep this artist page "fresh" so peeps check it regularly?
  12. Pretty cool! I can't see the crowd but I see the shadows of them against the stage. It's sounded really nice, keep it up. Was it some kind of large festival?
  13. It's just funny because it's not my screen name here and never has been. Yall are like real friends! I prefer Sue.
  14. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q2P6V7M0
  15. It always cracks me up that everyone calls me Gabe on this board!
  16. Thanks for listening. Maybe I'll do another soon if people enjoy it.
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