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Everything posted by doppelkorn

  1. Return trains are completely cunted up. I'll have to ride to Cants to get the train back FFS
  2. What is the benefit to society in killing someone who, say, murdered 25 schoolchildren? If you're worried about punishments filling crimes, would people who killed one person be killed once, while people who killed 10 people be killed...10 times? Should thieves have some of their stuff stolen? Should arsonists have their houses burnt down? It satisfies a fairly base desire on the part of some people for revenge, but it offers no justice.
  3. When I was setting up for the wedding last week I sound tested with the first 45 I pulled from my box which was The Power of Love by HLATN. I banged it on but it's a double A-side and I accidentally put the other song on because it had a big A on it. It was a fucking banger! Eric, just Google "top 10 bashment 2014" or whatever.
  4. Purchased! It has 6 pins vs. 3 pins on the old one. Why does god taunt me with these puzzles?! Here's the data sheet. Also might treat myself to a new soldering iron.
  5. Ooooooooooo http://www.axetec.co.uk/guitar_parts_uk_054.htm
  6. Gah I can't get that part from a site that allows normal people to buy stuff form there. Everywhere wants me to open an account then they have restrictions on delivery etc... Maplin has this http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/14-inch-jack-socket-6-pole-switched-pcb-mount-a35qt But I have no idea of the quality. How do you even tell what's good and what's bad?
  7. Thanks. Your post confused me. Yeah I assume if they have that securing nut they're designed to poke out of a (possibly metal) chassis and are build with that insulation factored in...
  8. Cheers man, how would I connect the shield to the chassis or more specifically how would I avoid it?
  9. I imagine this is a pretty common electronic part but I'm not sure what to google for. Mine is snapped. Glued it together once but it snapped again because the break is at a weak point. It looks like this: Googling that number gives nothing. This must be a bog standard part with that connector, right? You can see the break just behind that nut. It's basically where the socket pokes through the mixer casing.
  10. Ha you can't even hear it when the room's full. First dance at 8.30. Arctic Spunkies.
  11. But you could extend that warning to anyone using their UK laptop abroad, right?
  12. OK my Maplin didn't have them in. Got two travel adapters for a quick bodge. Will be OK for one night? What's the danger?
  13. My power supply doesn't say what class but why it it bad? On bus to Maplin now...
  14. Yeah off the battery it's fine. Maplin it is.
  15. Just set up for a wedding tonight. Ground loop screaming is pretty annoying there. It's a new venue for me. Laptop is def the culprit. Ive seen a quick fix online which is to disconnect the earth pin of the laptop plug. What are the disadvantages of this? Dead soon?
  16. There's some really odd stats in that graph. Why is there one for Thatcher in 1998?
  17. I can't believe Milliband is going to conspire to lose this election, which is what it will be - a loss. I can't see the Tories getting anywhere near a majority though. The recent Labour announcements make me feel they're actually trying to come up with some positive, progressive ideas. Over the course of this parliament I've been sent hurtling to the left. Maybe I've always felt that way but I've been moved to act now.
  18. Stupid cockends can't even formulate a question properly. the Tories are lagging just behind Labour if current polls are to be believed. Start thread?
  19. Don't vote Tory! They say they'll put this in after the next election.
  20. Coincidentally, that's the law firm Ruck uses to send out cease and desist letters.
  21. Hey chile what about the actual sound output? Or is he going to be using headphones? I would have thought 13 yo kids nowadays use a phone as their "hi-fi" which saddens me
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