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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. Yah, record a video of you scratching over the beat in the OP.
  2. Yurp. Come on guys, what's up?
  3. Jam's the winner of the beat battle! Post your scratch files here. Deadline is the end of the month.
  4. Voting closes on 7th March. Eric http://soundcloud.com/ericuk/dv-battle-feb Jam Kut Class http://soundcloud.com/kutclass/kutclass-justice-is-served-1 Symatic http://soundcloud.com/symatic/digital-vertigo-beat-battle-13
  5. So, I've discovered from doing these battles in the past year that doing a beat battle and a scratch battle, both in one month, makes it difficult to get enough entries. That's why I've decided to use a whole month for the beat, and another whole month for the scratch battle. I hope that's a better format for all of you. So, the deadline is the end of this month. We'll start the scratch battle from March. Ta ta's
  6. http://www.thesource.com/articles/267578?thesource-prod=1qr48vcb53i697u78ghkohqbv5
  7. I will extend the deadline until we get more entries. Come on, people!
  8. The monthly beat and scratch battles resume from this month. RULES: (1) Produce a beat (to be scratched over) between 1:30-2:00 long. (2) No genre restrictions - from orthodox to experimental, whatever suits you. (3) Then post the beat on here! Deadline for beat submission is the 12th February. Good luck!
  9. Yeah, Eric, I'm quite sure you can already do most of the tricks on there.
  10. Talked to the Vestax people about this—the wobbly platters are inevitable, apparently. They shouldn't matter too much anyway, though—if the needle is skipping, it's either that you haven't set it right, or you're being too heavy-handed with your scratching. 99.9% of the time, it's the user's fault, not the equipment.
  11. Jazz Cafe on 7th Feb http://venues.meanfiddler.com/jazz-cafe/full-listings/featured-gigs/7975 Let's all go!
  12. so that's where netik got his patterns from!
  13. Voting closes on 5th December. Cirkut Goonie Mo Rasteri
  14. Damn, I totally forgot about this... I'm gonna keep it open til I get at least three entrants...
  15. Winner of the Beat Battle: ROCK WELL Scratch Battle entries to be submitted by 27th November.
  16. Voting closes on 16th November. Eric http://soundcloud.com/ericuk/dv-beat-battle-12 Motek Rock Well
  17. It's gonna be my first Buck show. So excited!
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