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Posts posted by Matt

  1. yeah your probably right


    the loop roll thing, is that like the thing in traktor- i've always liked that


    the problem i have with serato is it is so inaccurate in calculating bpm's quite often the autoloop function cuts the loop wrong. so from having a perfect blend, autolooping one, you then go out of sync.

  2. surely they will make you buy the 57 to do this

    i saw a second hand one go for 750 the other day. madness.


    apparently there;s a bit of software that does tracklists for you already, having an inbuilt one is cool- typing up 6 hour set playlists is a bit of a bind!

  3. I was watching the leeds battle vcd a couple of weeks ago, I prefer sinical's routines on there to this. lots of disses, halftime chasing and shit, it had pure attitude.

    Times have changed though. That's coming up to 6 years old now! I should put that on Youtube really just for posterity. What happened to C4 and Biba Lau?


    I completely lost touch with biva lau after a kut above the rest stopped happening. C4, was he from Hudds, the first guy on? he was tight. doing then what I'm doing now, lol. meanwhile then I was str8 looking terrified.


    i agree times may have changed but all this dirty electro beat / double time scratch ish is played. the techniques then are still dope

  4. am i right in thinking you don't have to use a killer antivirus too?


    i fancied getting an asus eee atom with linux but i can't run serato on it. the idea i had had was that because linux is much less resource sapping than xp it would allow me to do more with the same spec.



  5. At Uni there was a class night put on... in 1 room there was rodney P and the other the Flaredy cats... I shit you not there were more bar staff in the flaredy cats room than customers! at its peak there were 6 people in the room! We didnt minf though cos me and my mate just sat and chilled with them all night... it was so quiet we were tempted to ask if we could jump on hte decks and session with them becasue nobody would mind!



    was that matman and wooze? I'd been out for dinner with my missus and was suited and booted but thought fuck it and mat put me on the guestlist for it. went into that backroom and there was about 10 people or something standing in front of them. one kid kept saying to the missus "these guys are amazing" and it was pretty surreal. they were hella tight, but the place was falling apart and there was no-one there. the promoters must've paid a fortune doing those nights. the problem to me was the residents weren't good nor were they established enough locally for people to be interested in what the flaredycats were doing.


    I've had weekly residencies and its always been on the cards that mid month venues would be quiet, and even though I tried to prepare to it being quiet I've still found it a little soul destroying. in such cases i always find myself getting more experimental with what I play and try to view it as a 5 hour practice session, doing more juggles, cutting stuff up, mashing stuff together.


    When there are people there I've always tried to find the balance in keeping themusic accessible without going down the root of playing straight classics / party hiphop. I've not always succeeded but on the flip side when you do have a room full of merry people dancing away I find it quite easy to sneak stuff in that they're never likely to have heard before but still bug out to.


    Some of the worst gigs have been birthday parties, one where all they wanted was "smooth rnb" which I have no idea nor desire to know about.


    A couple of months ago I had to cover at a girl's 18th birthday party. on paper I think, cool, 18 year old girls. then I get into it, playing funk, disco and party hiphop , and after an hour someone comes up and asks for something "we know" then reels of a request list of shit I don't know. I need to learn to be slightly more diplomatic and tell them to fuck off in the nicest possible way, instead of engaging them

  6. I find it easier to do it by ear. I have tried using the waveforms but sometimes Ifind the waves look lined up but the beats are clipping.


    i do like the feature when I'm well in a mix in a club and the monitors aren't great though.

  7. 9 hours a day is for pussys



    it depends on how busy I am. If i've got a lot of stuff on quality time with the missus takes precedence. generally I probably manage 8-10 hours a week, probably 3/4 of that will be cutting drumming or juggling.


    really ought to be much better than I am by now.



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