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johnny 1 move

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Everything posted by johnny 1 move

  1. If it's split where it enters the allwart you need to crack it open and resolder it inside. Use some electrical tape to put it back together I did this when mine broke to keep it as a backup
  2. I don't see the point in an asinine comment like that
  3. It's not normally 2f2b with a baby, it's 2f1b1f2b spearated with clicks F.F.BF.B.B where the full stop is a click (although 2f2b and a baby is the same but mirrored in one way or another I guess) I learnt them by turning the middle bit of an orbit inside out then then adding the tears orbit F.F.FB.B.B mirrored OG flares F.F.BF.B.B then tear it when you've got that down
  4. I think I voted wrong cos it's tired and I'm early - I'm strong hand on record
  5. Basically 2 click flare orbits are "normally" done 6 sounds to a beat. If you do 4 sounds to a beat it's "undertimed" If you do 8 sounds to a beat it's "overtimed" Obviously its doesn't have to be 4 or 8 but they straighten up the triplet pattern If you really want a video I'll knock one up cos loads of people ask about different timings with the same technique - it's probably one of those things you do without knowing what you're doing though ;-)
  6. Yeah I'm pretty gutted you're wimping out too
  7. If that floated your boat, try doing an extra click with your pointy finger before doing a two tap twiddle.... ultra fast 3 clickers that you can still co-ordinate with record movements like 3 click swings and 3 click delayed flares. Bloody hard to get the co-ordination but worth it I reckon And while you're having an open-minded day, might I recommend Serato?
  8. Way to pile the pressure on! I reckon the early heats are usually weaker so that's why I'm getting my arse in gear this year - you never really know who's going to turn up where though... Nerves usually get to me in the first heat so I'll probably need to go to brum, but I reckon I'll go regardless
  9. Manc and Brum mate - see you there? Tap twiddles FTW
  10. I'm going to have to defend twiddles here... For a long time I was quite anti-crab and twiddles, but recently I've been getting in to doing twiddles but doing them like 2 distinct taps with alternate fingers. I agree the "brushing the fingers across the faders" kind of twiddle isn't so good as you don't have as much control over the individual clicks, try boomeranging that way it's tricky to say the least. The two finger tap twiddle is more difficult, but you get the speed and keep control. It's all about using differnt muscles to do different parts of the scratch so the comined effect is a much faster fader movement than any individual muscle is moving. I did a video a while ago different 2 clicks in case anyone's interested...
  11. it's a particular hand technique - when you're doing it it looks like you are pinching the fader between thumb and fingers.
  12. Try focussing on your fingers instead of hitting the fader with the thumb - I don't cut hamster much but when I do I still do most work with the fingerswith the fingers E.g. if you're transforming you can think about flicking out from the fader with your fingers, your thumb will move out naturally then when you strike the fader again with your fingers your thumb will be in the position to bounce the fader off. It's kind of how pinch style works for regular 2 clickers, your thumb close the fader at the start of the first click then your fingers do 2 transforms, when you get it its quick cos you're sharing the work between your fingers and thumb All you really do is thumb off - fingers on - fingers on and you get a free thumb off in the middle cos your fingers bounce off your thumb.
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but it might be worth mentioning that scratch live doesn't support midi control of the the turntables yet, so if you want to use jogwheels to control the decks with serato you have to get the VCI-300 Itch thingumy. I guess that Serato aren't rushing to add midi control of the virtual turntable rotation as they'd rather you bought itch.... they might add it at some point though. They've just added video to the SL1 after all....
  14. Nah, got the DVDs a few years ago, just soulsuck anything you want specifically...
  15. 7dvds ... that's like 30gB! If you want "some" just soulsuck or isohunt them
  16. I once bought a 7dvd set of acapellas off ebay for next to nothing. Loads of duplicates but still and immense collection
  17. You'll probably need Bome's Midi Translator for something like that... it's really useful for customising midi interaction with anything...
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