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Everything posted by Dan

  1. https://youtu.be/vQC7fzjtgxo
  2. Stop. my penis can only get so erect!
  3. T.R.O.Y is still my all time favorite track/beat.
  4. This is my plan now, BM3 (whenever it get released) with maybe a MPD218
  5. The place i was going to order from said it was due to manufacturing costs. Other people have been told it's due to demand. what ever it is its bollox
  6. Yeah i was really interested until the price jump, now they can fuck off! Reviews seem mostly positive tho, a few issue here and there but software updates should fix them all. Having never used an MPC still not 100% on the workflow
  7. What do you want to use it with? it can do just about anything you want, making your own templates is easy!
  8. I don't have any euro rack but I REALLY want one of these, I have some max for live devices that do the same thing but it's not the same
  9. I've got a first 1st gen Focusrite Scarlett 6i6, it's great and also works with the iPad, you can get them with more inputs too
  10. Turns out the battery pack will also run the sound card too, I've got my own makeshift MPC Live! Downloaded AudioBus 3 last night, midi FX will be interesting! I really want Modstep too but don't really wanna pay £20 quid for it. Just waiting for Beat Maker 3 now.
  11. Here's my little Mobile set up I've just put go together : iPad 4th Gen Midi Fighter Twister Korg microKey £10 Ikea laptop "thingie" The iPad has got a lightening to USB 3 plugged into it. Into the USB port is a little USB hub and the lightening port has a battery pack plugged into it. This charges the iPad and also provides the juice for the Midi Fighter Twister and microKey. the iPad can only power one at a time without the battery pack. I just need some shorter cables to tidy the underneath up a bit. The Midi Fighter has 4 banks or 16 knobs which when paired with Korg Gadget is really great
  12. http://www.bandsintown.com/DjFormat Any DV heads going? We're off to the Sheffield gig, big fan of Abdominal.
  13. I use this for sampling into the iPad: http://www.music-group.com/Categories/Behringer/Computer-Audio/Audio-Interfaces/UCA202/p/P0484 works great, there's even a phono version but I run my deck into one of these first: http://artproaudio.com/turntable_preamps/product/djpre_ii/ (just because i had it already)
  14. I'm still using an iPad 4 and it's still working ok, a lot of apps are getting updated to 64bit tho, the older versions will still work, but you won't get new features / bug fixes. I think the first 64 bit one was the iPad Air. There are TONS of apps available, there's even a version of cubase.
  15. Ask them to fix it! Beat Maker 2 is much better, and 3 is out soon!
  16. For me it's the MPC Live. I don't know anything about the MPC "workflow" but i just love the fact it's a self contained "go anywhere" box (well for 4-5 hours at least) I'm spending more and more time stuck at a desk at my job (lucky I have two: sit down one in the office and a stand up one in the server room) and I've found I'm just not inspired to sit at my desk at home and use the computer. I have Maschine and Push 2 but even with them there is still a lot of staring at a screen. I also really don't like being stuck at the desk anymore. The idea of a MPC Live is really appealing and from what few videos of seen it looks really good, it's going to be expensive but I might sell all my other stuff if it's going to fill my needs. I love my Circuit as that's a battery powered, go anywhere box but it's really only useful for noodling. So what are you lusting after right now?
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