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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Some proper images: https://old.reddit.com/r/DJs/comments/s1tov8/the_new_pioneer_ddj_rev7/
  2. Mass Effect Legendary Edition Got it on sale about 4 days before they announced it on game pass (fucks sake). Never played any, enjoying 1 so far.
  3. Interesting. i like the fact the mixer isn't as cramped as the Rane One. Looks like it's going to be expensive.
  4. I dunno, looking at that youtube channel and the ecler website it's been going for a few years.
  5. It says rotary mixer but maybe they have a new scratch mixer in the works? I had a HAK 360 and a NUO 5 and loved both, still regret selling them to this day.
  6. https://old.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/r18mlz/psa_dont_share_anything_banned_from_everything/ This dude has been banned for 8000 years!
  7. It's bollox, the willy jeep thing wasn't cheating it was their fault for making it so easy to get a super wheel spin. Same with the AKF racing for 50 laps, yeah it's a bit shitty but they are not really cheating, it's built into the game. I've seen people get banned for making car designs which is bollox as well when you look at the score boards and there's people with scores of ridiculous distances on the leader boards, what are the going to do about that? Nothing, same as with FH4. I even saw a screen shot on the second day of release where someone had a level of 2999. They need to sort out all the cheaters before worrying about people taking advantage of in game things.
  8. The only game reviews I trust these days are Zero Punctuation
  9. I only play solo but it seems they are having real issues with the servers for online, which is a bit strange because the game isn't that different from 4 really.
  10. It's amazing how quick people are finding glitches
  11. I haven't seen any bugs yet but I'm playing it in offline mode. The Jeep thing isn't too bad as the skills reset so whoever gets gifted it can do the same tricks.
  12. Not surprising really. I work for an electronics manufacturer and we’re getting quoted 70-80 week lead times on some parts. The general consensus is that things won’t be back to normal until 2024/5.
  13. No mate but I didn't have gold anyway on the 360. I did that All Access thing so it was the X and Ultimate together. Had a quick go on it this morning, it looks really good! I out it in perfromace mode. Headset should be here later today too.
  14. My Series X came yesterday (big upgrade from the 360!) can't wait to play this! Got the xbox wireless headset coming too.
  15. My dad had one, I loved it! Shame the Vega+ was such a fuck up.
  16. He was 57, another Hip-Hop loss. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-56857349
  17. Dan


    He was 50 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-56687578
  18. I’ve struggled for a number of years with my creativity. I use to make music all the time, I could spend hours on maschine or Ableton, chopping up samples to find something good. Then for whatever reason I just lost the spark. I’ve tried to work out what changed, but never worked it out. For a long while I thought it’s because I now work in IT and spend all day on on a PC, to the point where I almost got an MPC Live because I thought it would “fix” my issue. But I realised that’s bollox as I can happily sit on the PC at home for hours playing a game or pissing about on YouTube. My friend has the same problem with art, he used to draw everyday but these days maybe does something once every few months, he can’t pin point why either. what we have started doing is a 1 hour video call each week, I start with an empty project, he has a blank page. And we see what we can come up with in an hour. We’ve only done three so far but it’s been great fun and I’ve started thinking about what I can do for the next hour.
  19. Nice, let me know what you think! Still got my eye on one when I know what's happening with work.
  20. Where did you order from Deft? I've seen a lot of people complaining they are still waiting for orders from Jan
  21. I've really got back into mixing recently, even start a twitch channel - for no other reason than to let my mates listen while I mix.
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