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Posts posted by porrtis

  1. sup guys,


    so.. i got a few questions. more like general questions, not being too specific i guess.

    my issue is this: i always wanted to do a mixtape. it was basically the reason i started DJing at the Age of 15 or 16. however, when i started, i was like "nobody would listen to this, you can't scratch" so i started scratching. like 12 years later i did literally nothing else than scratching. now i finally would love to do this damn mixtape which i promised my younger brother 12 years ago. he's still waiting u know.

    anyways. i know how to mix songs into each other with beatmatching and all this basic stuff. i am not too bad on the beatjuggling side either. however, i have like no clue how to do cool things on my Traktor Kontrol Z2.

    Now i know that there are endless possibilities with a DVS mixer. I dont need 99% of them. However a few things would be cool, like mixing "instrumentals while the song/accapella is still running" - u know what i mean? hard to describe. i suck at describing things. but i caught a few DJs doing so.

    Song A was running, and he mixed a new instrumental below the Song while the Voice was still running but the original instrumental ended.

    and i'd love to make a cool intro containing samples of all/most of the songs that will be on my mixtape. what's the best way to do this? should i do this on Audacity or is there a cool way to combine short samples of like 5-6 seconds of each different song into one big intro? i have no idea what i have to look for when i want to google that stuff or check on youtube guides.

    when i watch rafik, i cant get behind all the things he does.

    anyway, if someone knows a few tricks or can add 1-2 videos on Youtube where i can catch these things i'd be really happy.

    thanks guys

  2. nice routine dude

    i really appreciate you havent done this typical 30 second intro where some vocals talk about how whack everyone is while the DJ makes stupid gestures and points towards the camera

    that was cool in 1988 but i cant see it anymore and it looks like 90% of the DMC participants still do this

    i like your routine a lot, well done :)

  3. i actually had the same issue a few weeks ago when i dug out my vestax that chilled for years in its package. it turned out i hadn't connected the ground wire to the mixer properly.
    did you check wether your connection between mixer and turntable via your grind wire is okay?

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    where is the original "aaahh"-sample actually coming from by the way?


    i liked noisy stylus and scratch science (grasshoper breaks) most. never liked the dirtstyle records to be honest. my 1st scratch-record used to be dj flare's hee haw brayks

    At the end of this:



    this is awesome! thanks dude

    haha glad i finally know it

  5. I asked pretty much the same question like 2 weeks ago. Stopped scratching around ~2008 and just recently decided to get back to it. I dug out my old vestax pmc 06 including a pro x fade and cutted on it for a few days but quickly decided to finally get myself an upgrade for the mixer since the vestax felt too heavy, too outdated, too outworn for me.


    my highest priority was being able to scratch without any compromises and i considered getting myself an ecler HAK 360. Went to the local music store and decided to at least give all them different mixers and faders a try in order to see how things have changed over the last decade.


    cutted a bit on rane mixers and found them to be really cool. the DVS mixers of rane however cost like 1700€ or something close to that range. not my budget. spotted the Traktor Kontrol z2 and immediately fell in love with its fader. tried the ecler hak 360 which i was inititally about to purchase but i didnt like the eternal fader as much as i liked the fader-feeling of the Kontrol z2, even though the eternal fader was really impressive in terms of smoothness. but it was too smooth for my taste. however, this is only a subjective feeling. you might feel different.


    anyways, i was staying there not knowing what to do but i asked myself whether it's worth spending ~500€ on an analogue (and somewhat oldschool) mixer that comes with no real featues i'm looking for other than a very smooth crossfader OR getting myself the Kontrol Z2 whose fader i even enjoyed more for 600€ that's up to todays standards and comes with an integrated software + timecode vinyls. i chose the Kontrol Z2 and cutted like crazy the last 2 weeks on it an i'm having a blast. I am so glad i went with the Kontrol Z2 because even though i didnt even know i wanted to have an interface like Serato or Traktor i told myself that it's time for me to move on and it's not 2006 anymore and i didnt want to limit myself to an analogue mixer when a new DVS mixer can bring me so much further in basically every single aspect i have yet to discover.


    you can still get yourself an analogue mixer like the Ecler Hak 360 and add an interface like serato additionally of course. but i'd rather upgrade the Z2 with an Innofader Pro 2 sooner or later. The default Fader (its an Innofader mini if i recall correctly) is still very nice in my opinion and does its job exceptionally well. so i'm in no rush for an upgrade, but will do so in the future.


    it's really up to you. i'd suggest you to visit your local music store if there is one in your area and have a look at all the mixers and faders and decide for yourself what you're mainy looking for but still, this forum is the best place to get qualified answers :) the guys helped me out a lot. i'd also recommend checking my thread. i am sure you will find valuable suggestions for yourself.

  6. hey guys,


    sorry for all my recent threads about asking these kind of things. but after coming back from such a long hiatus i am really a bit overwhelmed by the amount of new things whilst many other things i used to prefer are discontinued or mostly dated nowadays. anyway, i am looking for headphones for my scratch practise sessions that can go from 30minues to like 1h+ nonstop cutting. i used to have technics dj headphones like 10years ago and the oldschool SONY's which looked cool and pretty DJish but if i recall correctly they died pretty quick.


    i used the search function and been digging in some older threads but it was mostly the Sennheiser HD-25's that have been recommended. unfortunately they're a bit above my current budget. is there any nice alternative for about 50-100€? i have a massive head and i'd appreciate over-ear headphones. i never liked on-ears and the sennheiser HD-25's appear to be on-ears anyway.


    i don't plan to use them for things like producing, it's mainly scratching and anything else i can do on my turntables basically. i just hate unplugging things continously. they should just feel comfortable wearing and my cuts shouldnt sound too crappy on them.


    thanks for any suggestion! highly appreciating your help once again





  7. hey there,


    it feels weird to ask this question. i am actually ashamed to ask but i always learned scratching via trial & error. however, i noticed i am kind of stuck in my everyday patterns and everything sounds quite repetitive. when watching Mr. Viktor i noticed a scratch-pattern which i used to hear very often in many other videos but i never managed to figure it out on my own:


    talking about this little part:


    from 1:56-2:02 approximately

    what exactly is this? are they delayed flares? i can get pretty close to them but sometimes you discover new horizons once you re-learn different scratch-techniques :)

    sorry for asking this weird question. i dont want to copy by no means.

  8. Yo,


    does anyone know where to get myself at least one copy of DJ Hertz's Enter the Scratch Game? Doesnt matter which one, i'd buy a copy of all of them. I am mainly looking for 12" though. The mini and pocket verions are still available but the 12"s are pretty much discontinued everywhere i looked.

    if anyone got an idea, let me know please.


    appreciating any suggestion!


    thanks guys

  9. i wouldnt worry too much. at the end its usually only a 2-3minute scratch-video only a handful people get to watch. i can understand if you'd worry about your DMC/IDA-participation routine/set but if it's only a short video about you cutting on a loop i really wouldnt worry too much.


    people record themselves for numerous and different reasons. but it has always been a big part of the community and it helps keeping things going, evolving and most importantly keeping it alive. i used to use my recorded cuts in order to improve since i usually got a better feeling for things like flow/repetitive patterns or simply a good understanding of where i 'm currently at in terms of skill.


    i also wouldnt mind people recording themselves who aren't cutting next-level or might be beginners. it's still cool and if they enjoy it, that's great. in fact, i would always encourage anyone to just join and record themselves as long as they have fun. back in 2008 we were cutting like crazy using paltalk and it was always a blast, there were people who were beginners up to guys like turntablist eko who made us look like fucking scrubs haha

    it was still a big party of like-minded people who spent some time together doing what they love

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