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props to the finger

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Posts posted by props to the finger

  1. But the 56s is uglier than a daytime hooker so nobody wants that.


    Daytime hookers with internal power supplies are the shit though, I can never go back to the shitty socket now. I honestly don't care about the wierd fader curves either.


    Still ugly as fuck, though, i'll give you that


    Edit: jesus christ, managed to fucking answer a two year old post. I'm a dumbass

    • Like 1
  2. Hey,

    Sorry if this has been answered previously but the search gave me anything but this topic.


    The psu to my vestax 06 pro A is buzzing like crazy. Not the sound of the mixer but the actual psu is buzzing. Haven't opened it yet, anyone know what to do?


    Thanks a million in advance!

  3. Is ableton the standard now for most of you when it comes to production?


    I'm still using CoolEditPro. LOL. It does what it does but my Windows XP laptop will one day die and with it my sound editor and multi-track sequencer. What I do now is chop sounds in Cool Edit, save them as wav files, and then load them into the MPC2000XL with and SD card. Seems to work okay and I like working in the MPC about 1000 times more than my computer.

    I use Reaper to record and transfer the file to my 2500's compact flash card. So fucking lovely, and bypasses the sloooow saving speeds.


    I don't think there's a golden standard for production, ableton is painfully slow to use if not used with loops or music you can seperate into smaller chunks. Seeing that I mainly sample and scratch but wanted to expand into some synth stuff, ableton grew on me substantially the last year. I've been using the lite version that came with my soundcard and i recently jumped into the pool and bought the suite because it's so good for my type of music making.


    I've used an MPC (first the 1000, and then the 2500) for beatmaking since I started, I use my 2500 for a lot of my production, and I definitely understand where your coming from and had this been last year I would have wholeheartedly agreed with you. The workflow of MPCs are unmatched, and my dabbling with ableton actually started just because I wanted to control some free VSTs from the MPC and I got a free copy with my soundcard. After a while I started transitioning into Ableton since I already sampled stuff into the PC to use with Traktor, so it was more of an ergonomic move than a really necessary one. Although, all it essentially does is me not having to transfer files to the compact flash card from my mac, which takes like 2 seconds with modern card readers. So as for my comment about devaluing the old MPCs... a little overboard since the card reader option is so good in helping their workflow and relevancy.


    Personally, I wouldn't advise anyone change from their current MPCs to Ableton, really. If your setup works, it works, no need to change. But the recently released MPCs just didn't understand the appeal of an MPC, in my opinion at least, and these just seem to cram more shit into it and somehow feel more soulless than ever before.

    • Like 1
  4. Fuck the mpcs of today, man. The 1000 and 2500 are cool units, love my 2500, but their quality is fucking lacking and those were probably the last models that had any relevence as standalone production centers. The jjos helped a little but the quantum leap ableton has made recent years really devalues the olders mpcs.


    Considering ableton and maschine can do the same as these new machines and more for compararable prices or lower, the mpc's of today just come across to me as out of touch and with no charm.

    • Like 1
  5. I've been looking to invest in something like a PDX 3000 for a while to be able to use midi to control the pitch, to replace my 1200. Found a pair, but they're expensive and I don't have the space for two of them even.


    Are there any good alternatives to the 3000s? Seems like nothing has the midi-pitch control option the 3000 has.

  6. My pt01 speed flutters all over the place. It's especially noticable when i try it with an ipad dvs solution. I've tested my 1200's on the ipad dvs and the pt01 in traktor and it's def the pt01.


    I'm gonna try changing the belt (fucking impossible to find one for the pt01. The crosley 800 belt or whatnot made it even worse, so i changed it back.)


    Anyone got any ideas what to do with the flutter problem? The pitch is off too, the default position is like +3 or some dumb shit

  7. Just got mine yesterday, here are my impressions:


    1. This thing is fucking huge for a portable fader. Seriously, this is really pushing the "portability" definitions to its limits for me. The way i set it up on my pt01, that i found most comfortable, makes it so i can't close the lid of the pt01 properly. Still gotta do some adjustments, i reckon before this baby becomes "portable." Bought the case for it, for some reason, so not really a problem really.


    2. I fucking love it. After going from a regular ass raidenfader to a JDX2R and loving it, i thought i would be hard pressed to even like the RXF-1 considering how much i liked the JDX2R (i posted about it earlier). But I'm a fucking sucker for light, but solid feeling faders and the fact that the RXF-1 doesn't ever pop because it's an active fader and it has a lot louder output than the JDX2R (can't comment on sound quality though because I use shitty headphones) makes up for the ridiculous size. It feels sturdy, but i made sure to apply velcro strips that i cut out myself to avoid having the fader wiggle, like i see a lot of other people having because they use the supplied velcro.


    Still love the JDX2R, but I've decided I'd rather use it as an overpriced headphone amp for my QFO (connecting the master out through an RCA to 1/8 " jack cable) as the QFO's headphone amp is like every vestax amp, annoyingly noisy and almost unlistenable.

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  8. I'm almost starting to regret my purchase of this. I recently started a new job, and most of my clients are now in the same city i live in the city as myself (oslo, norway). This means I'm only travelling relatively small distances in my work, so my pt01 is being used less, and definitely not being used as a sketchpad for music anymore.


    I recently got the JDX2R and it feels so good compared to the OG raiden fader, truly does feel like a railfader (almost like how rane faders nowadays feel). The reduced popping from the RXF1 really has to be worth it, for me to feel like i got my money's worth because I rarely use the pt01 as much anymore.

  9. The MOOGs is are lovely sounding synths, but it does require som experience to make it sit good in a mix according to people I know who owns them. I myself have only owned Dave Smith Instruments synthesizers, specifically the desktop Evolver and the Tetr4.


    The Evolver was a hybrid digital/analog synthesizer with tons of modulation possibilities and I loved it. Lost it when my appartment burned down, so purchased a Tetr4 instead of getting a new Evolver... and boy was i wrong in doing that. The most cumbersome fucking synthesizer ever, hated it dearly and ended up just using free VSTs instead.


    I would personally look at the Native Instruments Monark for a Moog-like VST. For something polyphonic, not really sure though, but a google search will net you some really cool stuff online.

  10. The handling of the Akai brand brings fucking manly tears of sadness to my eyes. Ok, they're quite girly and pathetic tears.


    Pretty sad to see Rane calling it quits as an independent entity, but if the owners want to retire then you can't really fault them for cashing in.


    On a larger scale it kinda feels like a fucking travesty, considering their legacy and how they managed to design solid, enjoyable and easy-to-use gear.


    Still my experiences with their products were mostly limited to one product. the last piece of gear from them I could afford in good conscience (ie. still have money for food afterwards) was a used Rane TTM56S for $400 a couple if years ago. Love that gray, ugly brick to death and probably the best mixer ever in terms of the core design, even 15 years later all they did was remove the shitty alternate fader curves between the 56/56i and 56s. Shots fired, brakka brakka.


    Oh, and they had amazing customer service. That part will always be missed.


    RIP Rane. I'll probably miss seeing your products and not owning them, knowing they were of actual quality.

    • Like 2
  11. all on it. gotta collect them all!

    they've mustve ordered quite a bit of units for production. They haven't sold out yet. Thought they'd be gone within the first hour..

    Not exactly surprising about the preorders, the thing costs about as much as a new pt01, and most are probably content with the regular raiden already. this one is probably a long seller though

  12. How to cleaning vid


    Nice, I love just how easy it seems to clean it. I'm really looking forward to trying it out, as I'm fiending for a portable fader with a feel closer to rail faders. the shipping of mine was unfortunately delayed, but dude is quick as fuck when it comes to answering emails and providing support it seems, so I'm letting it slide this time.

  13. Interesting. But I feel like people mostly just suck now, not sure what they could do to shake it up. Less rules, shorter rounds, more money for prizes... that's about it.


    More money would be an interesting experiment in this context, but unless the judges are unbiased and unaffected by the crowd reaction, which unless its composition is only of people who are well versed in the consumption of those types of routines, I do think the added money could potentionally incentivise people to "play safe" and stray less from proven concepts.

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