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Everything posted by Mixologist

  1. You could always just return it though...
  2. All Fixed, thanks Liam, do you guys think its bad if I'm using v. 1.26.218? lol
  3. also waiting for next football season for a NEW Madden.
  4. Nothing yet really, still mad about red steel, we're gonna wait till something really catches our eyes. Basically we're waiting for tiger woods golf and hopefully a GOOD baseball game
  5. I'd do it, but I would do it NOW steve. My friends and I got 6 ps3's between 4 of us, we weren't able to sell one on ebay and this was before they were easily available in stores. At first though, prices were around 2500 to 5000 usd, instead of making a profit we just returned them to walmart. My friend got a wii and end of story.
  6. Yo pandizzle, I like it, so much in fact, that I was wondering if you could let me have a download of the rough copy. It has a nice vibe, that I'd like to use if one of my songs, I don't really play out or anything it's just when i'm bored I try to make songs lol. I'd be sure to give you all the credit and such though if people asked who made the beat
  7. Stanton FTW! By the way, steve what you plan on doing with the good old vestax?
  8. Yea, until you have an HD TV don't worry about it, but HD is nicer overall, it's subtle differences that just all add up.
  9. essentially the discs has smaller divots and the laser is more refined in the blu-ray or hd-dvd player, this allows for the greater storage. Regular DVD's have a resolution of about 480i, you can however upscale this image to 480p, The blu-ray or HD DVD though would have a resolution of 1080p.
  10. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but www.cnet.com has the best breakdown of both formats. Essentially more storage which allows for better video and audio quality. IT's use? Mainly for High-Definition, so unless you have a High-Def TV and are willing to drop another 400 bucks for a HD DVD or BLu-ray player, don't worry about it.
  11. PHOTOSHOP! My best score is like 180 or something shitty like that, wait till we can play online steve, you're goin down in golf and baseball
  12. Yea all of us agree that the 3 plays in 3 days is not that good, the problem lies witht he record companies though trying to get their money. MCA records or some really large record label acutally makes a certain portion of the money everytime a Zune is sold, because they believe that it's their music in the Zune...
  13. Online sessioning? DO people still do it, and if so, do ya'll still use skype? I haven't scratched in ages and I wanna get back into it for alittle.
  14. Hehe, Microsoft's Portable Media Player, I'll post some pics once I am out of class at 12...
  15. Alright so here's the deal, I'm basically called a Zune Master, or a Rep. My job is to help give microsoft feedback on the zune as well as promote the zune. So I wanted to know what you guys thought about the Zune. honest criticism, what you like, don't like etc. Let me know here....
  16. God damnit steve, why didn't you let me know that Red Steel Sucked, we got line 30 bucks back from trade in for madden 07!
  17. Well the Sword Fighting wasn't THAT awesome but I thought it was ok. The gun Fighting sucked, it was hard at first and then you go used to it, and it still was hard. the motion control was fun, like reloading the gun or opening a door, throwing a table, but it was way to sensitive.
  18. After playing the Wii, I loved it. I can't wait till more games come out and they refine the motion controls. Wii Sports is a great demo, but I'm sure there will soon be better games. That being said, I hated Red Steel. It gave me motion sickness and by the time I had finally learned how to control the game efficiently I was ready to throw up. It sounded so promising and the sword fighting was sick, but that was it. We'll be getting Madden tomorrow. By the way it helps to play on a big screen. My friend has a 46" Sony LCD, with surround sound and an xbox 360, so graphics isn't really that big of a deal since we already have hd gaming. Tennis is crazy fun with two people though, it gets dangerous with more though,
  19. my laptop is 2 minutes slow, is this a bad thing? I really don't wanna take apart my laptop.
  20. both the ps3 and wii are sick. actually all 3 consoles are nice and I'd love to own all of them. Personally, i would want a Wii simply for the fact that everyone can simply participtate and have a good time. If I had the money sure i'd get a PS3, hell i might even start saving up now, but with the cost xbox 360 that's a good price point.
  21. Steve, let us know how red steel is
  22. steve let me know how it is, i might pick one of these bastards up, do you think you could get madden nfl 07 for me and test it out lol you can always return it. I just want to see how the new madden will work with the wii remote, it's gonna be tough for sure.
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