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Wax On

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Everything posted by Wax On

  1. I couldn't get on wit The Get Down, too much corn. Hip Hop Evolution is great though.
  2. If that applied, they wouldn't have released anything after Wu-Tang Forever. What;s the deal then, is this actually supposed to be the album? barely any verses? Sounds pretty good tho TBF
  3. Nice. Also, the straps on that guy's glasses are HUGE, I couldn't take my eyes off them.
  4. Woah, didn't know about that therapy, sounds rough. RIP Also, ALBATROSS.
  5. I'm still totally clueless at what he actually said? Like he obviously crossed a line, but just how far? Like is it stuff that sounds like he's a hateful prick or is it stuff that makes you question his mental health?
  6. I love him, he stands so well. He's not even real.
  7. I think it depends on success tbh. Like I think if you do something thats successful then record companies/publishers would want a piece, but if not why would they bother?
  8. I like the thought of doing it, but I sample stuff and don't do much to change it, so probably would fail at the first hurdle
  9. Mid 00s was all the le jad stuff - musically pretty dull IIRC
  10. 05 - It was such a stacked battle. If muzzle nailed his set that night he may have been fighting for that top place too. Talking about solos ^ I think youre right about 04 supremacy Ah yeah it's 05 then. Who won 04?
  11. I thought Pfel should've won against (i think) I-Emerg? 2004 I think?
  12. Prob better than the reloop touch i borrowed off my mate haha
  13. Have you got any more mixes not on your soundcloud mate? You put em together so well and such funky cuts. Shout out to Steve for the exact same traits btw
  14. Gonna give serato sample a go with garageband - seems pretty decent on first glance
  15. So is files app something where you can drag and drop? I suppose you can get audio inputs for the ipad too
  16. Cheers guys How can you pull your own samples in on the iPad? I tried an iPhone app a while ago and that was one of the annoying things
  17. Yo, I'm itchy for some sort of beatmaking setup (I'm away from my gear due to lockdown) MPC ONE sounds good but not in uk at the mo it would appear - anyone got thoughts on them? Or any worthwhile alternative?
  18. When i was younger, Nakamichi was the hi fi equivalent of Neo Geo - scarce, expensive and amazing (in reputation)
  19. Anyone done the Rakim biography? I got it on audible, and besides struggling with his "punchline rap" style of delivery, at one point he just starts spitting out inconsequential maths sums for ages.
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