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Everything posted by chuckjl

  1. could i bother you for the original track? you and kutclass have made nice remixes but i'd like to hear the original if possible
  2. cool mix dirk. not something i usually listen to but def nice to hear. where do you go for cheap vinyl? (dollar bin type stuff)
  3. smmoooooth man, nice beat. not much i can comment on, if i like it i like it but i don't know much about the making of music. where are the lyrics from? did you do the chorus and the cuts at the end because i fucking love them.
  4. chuckjl

    ** All looper **

    aye some on here i am missing gracias
  5. haha congrats man. i really like most of the stuff you put on here, hope it works out and you make it bigger than diddy
  6. haha... i only meant practice as in an unplanned scratch file, just felt like a better than average day and decided to record a bit. thanks for the comment sav
  7. thanks fellas, much appreciated
  8. mostly stabs and chirps, all i can do really. i feel i have no flow whatsoever, it's just a few chirps/stabs and repeating the process. http://download.yousendit.com/3910ED4D15090F14
  9. good luck! i just realized it was savwar like savoir, as in to know?
  10. hey boys..really feeling this the beat is dope and your flow fits really well over it. cool chorus too, good ideas oll over this. i'm always s fan for some simple cuts, shame there aren't any. the spanish was a cool addition i don't know anything about "engineering" the song, but i was wondering how much you've done to your voice on the track. like, how diff does this sound from your real voice? sounds like there is a softer voice somewhere behind your rapping, what is that called? sounds like there's been some little alterations to the lyrics but it drives me crazy cause they're so subtle and i don't know what it is haha
  11. real hot shit wax on. i'm with the others i really like the second one but they're all good in my opinion
  12. ironically i happened to be listening to this while browsing the forum, def one of my fav tracks to come from this site.
  13. ugh hope it isn't anything major steve, crossing my fingers for ya hope it gets better
  14. LOVE IT the beat is fucking HEAT from kut as usual, funky as hell and i like the samples used. good rhythm and smooth raps. is 'that guy' the third one? i don't know what to think about the scratching though... sounds like random sounds as opposed to smooth, structured cuts. is it too next level for me or something? good job to everyone this is a nice tune
  15. nice one rusty, enjoyed this mix the mixing was clean for the most part. the mix into derive's track was a little rough though, maybe clean that one up a bit. i thought you should have played derive's track longer, it's a real banger. also def gots to have some cuts, just some simple ones placed here and there. overall all liked it, would like more mixes like these. how'd you mix this?
  16. nice one bud keep up the good work
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