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Everything posted by dextrous

  1. Chances are all your files are still there. Where 'there' is I don't know but I'd be surprised if they're deleted. Are you on mac or PC?
  2. airs are shite though, why bother? Nah I can see the point if you need something ultra portable, but then my money would go on a netbook. I always liked this story about woz signing a hackintosh netbook http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2009/03/26/w...aphs-a-hac.html Woz seems cool. The sooner he does an et tu brute on Steve Jobs the better.
  3. Yeah, it was on the 12, which I haven't got so I can't help you with but it exists.
  4. Didn't the Baron get into trouble for talking about that back in the snatchcon days?
  5. Anyone had any 'advisory letters' from the RIAA / virgin yet? I got my first one last month. I don't p2p and don't even dl that much - what I do usually comes from rapidshare. My mrs does BT a bit though so maybe it's that.
  6. Yeah Gangstarr would make my top 5 goat I reckon but Guru is pretty rubbish. Lets face it though Premo made Group home sound good.
  7. ha ha lol. Do you think they even thought of that? Just gets better.
  8. Can I read the bits I'm interested in in Borders on my lunch break and then not buy it?
  9. Good shit wax. That'll teach me to read the small print.
  10. I'm buying into the hype. Does anyone have an invite for spotify going spare? Cheersh.
  11. Which bit of the power supply needs rewiring, the jack end or the mains plug end?
  12. dextrous


    Nice one Dee. Who got to drive this?
  13. So Barack Obama is more hip hop than say Fab 5 Freddy?
  14. Yeah I was reading some apple website and all the fanboys were jizzing over the ipod touch winning the gaming title. What a load of bullshite. I think I mentioned a while back I was buying a mac, basically because I need to run some apple pro apps. So obviously I read up on it a bit. Reading apple forums is funny as fuck. When I read PC forums I tend to understand about 20% of what is being said - it's all rootkits, dll's and loads of other stuff. Read an apple forum and the most complex discussions are generally 'what's the best way to get a smudge off my laptop lid" or "which mouse would look nicest with my macbook". ghey. And now I'm part of it. fuck.
  15. Yeah the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is get an image with the date you want (either by changing the camera date or whatever) and then paste the image you want over the top of this and resave. The original metadata should stay intact I think.
  16. Actually - do you need to just strip the date out or do you need to change it to something else? That might be a bit more involved.
  17. It depends how the metadata (that's the posh name for it btw) is stored. It could be exif, IPTC, XML etc Anyway Jhead should strip it. See this: http://netzreport.googlepages.com/hidden_d...les.html#remove
  18. Prob be next month Sav but I'll give you a shout
  19. What's the cheapest spot for shure needles these days? Don't need carts, just needles. Cheers
  20. Eat your words. http://gadgets.boingboing.net/2009/03/14/w...he-chip-in.html Having to license the technology is still shit though.
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