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Posts posted by 3D

  1. Dee Swift and Awkwards Vertibrae Mix.


    I've really been into this for the last couple of months.


    Greg J's crunksyle mix is pretty crazy for the amount of good mixing and tunes, I'm

    listening to that a lot.


    Discuss's mixtape has been on my Mp3 player for months now and get's a lot of play,

    Even though adam is a mackem.


    And a lot of the others that have been mentioned.

  2. Does anyone know an accapella/scratch record with a reference to pills/E's/gurners??????





    SIMPLY D'VINYL DJ Tools Vol 6, this has some great references to pills

    I think the samples must be from football factory the film or something.


    Nice references to the whole rave thing in a london accent. I'm at work

    so can't get to it now though.

  3. Fine art, it's like scratching in many ways. People who study

    and understand it learn to appreciate it. Most listen to cutting

    and go that sounds shite yet if your into it then you appreciate the

    craft of it and the process it takes to get there.


    Fine art is pretentious though, I have a degree in it and believe

    me I've heard some bollocks in conversations with other artists,

    I have also met and worked with some extremely talented people

    as well. Artists in general get a hard time from the general public,

    get a proper job and all that bollocks.


    It is what it is I reckon I'm into but it's not everybodies cup of

    tea I suppose.

  4. Each one of those squares is a hundred records probably

    about 3000. Adams mate has a massive collection he

    put a pic on CKC. I have about 2000 myself.


    The most I have ever seen is in my mates flat, the infamous

    Mike-E-bloc, one wall of his flat is wax I'd say about

    15,000 it's impressive to see. He hardly bought any of it.

  5. I'm into just through my older brother

    who still goes to northern soul nights.


    I listened to it a lot growing up some

    of the prices for stuff is crazy though.

    Its pretty hard to define as well, northern

    soul heads are the original vinyl diggers.


    My brother is very knowledgable about

    it all. Quality stuff.

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