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Posts posted by badmuthafunster

  1. Total Science gonna play instore at Sister Ray (not the old shop but the new one, previously selectadisc) Tues 16/5/06 @ 7pm. think i'm gonna be there for some up tempo digging.


    hope that nosher tune with dj craze gets played thats propper mental.


    info :- www.sisterray.co.uk

  2. This bares the hallmarks of a great game because it's all the best games of the last 20 years mashed together! pacman, populous, lemmings, C&C, its all there. now all i need is 2 grand to buy a pc to run the game, just looked at the screen shots on gamespot, very tasty.

  3. have they cracked the ds yet for mouse control of the touch screen?


    naa, there are other ds problems as well such as sorting out the tilt mechanism and the microphone/harmonica thing. Been playin alota DS at work and its very much underrated. Metroid Prime Hunters is superb.


    also find a pink DS, buy it then sell it on ebay for £160+. I found out they were rare today and found work has sold them all! gutted. :((

  4. My latest emulation platform is my PSP - SNES emulation is coming along really nicely on that.


    Yeah, me mates are emulating on the PSP. Wireless networking emulators is the way forward. few years off maybe.


    If anyone needs GBARoms without bittorrenting a whole heap of crappy games check http://www.romsparagba.com Its speedy, its italian and is low on bullshit. Get thee a copy of Mario Tenis Power Tour. Essential. Better than Mario Golf. ;)

  5. I got bored of doing the same chirp-crab-chirp fill in so now if i need ta come up with something different i close my eyes an listen for what happens. Sometimes the whole zen kung-fu stuff pays off and i end up with a cool new fill.

  6. Anyone here emulate? Ive got something like 5000 arcade games/console roms and i'm always looking for hidden gems of yesteryear.


    i'm playing through Silent Scope on the GBA (my god those headshots are impossible when the screen is about the size of a credit card and the boss is waving at you from half a mile away on a moving boat. *sigh*)


    Also peep www.the-underdogs.org for the best abandonware and freeware, ye need never pay for a game again!

  7. Whilst i havn't purchased one, we do have one at work (as a demonstration ting). The crispness of the graphics when viewed on a HD tv is spooky. Call of Duty 2 is the game to buy if you like shooting stuff and PG3 if you like to drive things. the rest of the games are a bit dull.


    if you have a HD tv or a big flashy monitor, i'd buy a 360.

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