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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2017 in all areas

  1. yeah i just looked again i think its something like a backwards auto bahn at one boint.... but remember autobahn or whatever technique you wanna call it, any technique comes down to on/off fwd/backward..... its all simple principals and theres lots of ways to do it
    2 points
  2. That's all that's in my head, random rap lyrics and Simpsons quotes
    2 points
  3. My opinion... Focusrite drivers are amongst the poorest for latency on windows of any consumer grade soundcard. I guess that doesn't make any difference for you, but generally would not recommend. Most consumer grade sound cards are baaaasically the same, with minor differences and driver differences - you can usually just use asio4all in most cases but you might lose some things, direct input and so on (and on Mac coreaudio takes care of everything anyway so you're good). I like the NI Komplete Audio 6, it has as good converters etc as you'll get at this level, the right ins and outs, and a nice master level control on the top which is analogue so you get nice smooth volume changes on your monitors without digital stepping. That's probably the coolest feature for a small setup, so you can adjust your monitor volume easily. It has direct monitor for inputs 1&2 as well so you can send your decks straight through to the monitors whilst recording (the only thing is the inputs are the ones with phantom power, so you either direct thru the decks or get the phantom power inputs, not both, and they're individually gain controlled which is a minor pain if you do chop and change). Aaaand it comes with the nicest software package and voucher for the ni store. I guess with some others you get ableton live lite but I'd say the ni stuff is more valuable. Another thing, though - if you get a mixer with an audio interface in it you can use that, so you're putting all your money into one thing. A z2, for instance, takes care of everything. The new pioneer mixer is 300 with an interface built in which is crazy. There are quite a few options that way?
    2 points
  4. Ended up having a hard time understanding some stuff on the beatshelter pyle preamp installation video but it all worked itself out in the end, I installed the biharitonearm from portableskinz and a shure m44-7 needle long boring installation of the tonearm video here and some scribbles and such to put it through the paces
    2 points
  5. Does anybody else have a bunch of odd isolated rap lyrics stuck in their head that always pop up from time to time? I don't really mean your favourite or best rap quotes, just things that randomly got lodged in your subconcious. In fact some that stay with me do so because they are dodgy rather than great. I've been meaning to post this up for ages but two things happened this week that tipped me over the edge to actually post... 1) Broke posting on FB about Biggie's deathniversary with "The greatest rapper of all time died on March 9th" from Second Round K.O. which is definitely one that became a bit of an earworm for me once. 2) My boss bought some of what he calls 'modern records' (i.e. from the 80s) and amongst them was a Keith Sweat album. Now the only thing I know about Keith Sweat is another lyric that got stuck in my head... "I never beg for pussy like Keith Sweat" (possibly by Keith Murray on a Def squad cut, but not sure). So when my boss held up the LP and said "Who's Keith Sweat?" my natural response was "All I know is that he begged for pussy" Luckily my brain kicked in before I had to laboriously explain to my boss what that means So what are everybody else's rap earworms?
    1 point
  6. Absolutely DRIPPING over here. In, obvs.
    1 point
  7. I found it quite hard to pick out one specific technique but looks like first 6 notes of an autobahn (some call that delayed flare) and doing the same movement backwards, but i could be wrong
    1 point
  8. It looks like he has a few thngs going on round there but def practice some flare and transforming techniques if you wanna get that sound
    1 point
  9. Respek to Rodec and the UK distro, I now have 3 BIG KNOBS.
    1 point
  10. Deft, did you not try going back to the distributor and telling them you like big knobs?
    1 point
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